The Tenerife crime: they found two oxygen cylinders that belonged to Tomás Gimeno and they believe he used them to kill himself


A new discovery has produced another chapter in the moving case Spain two months ago: the personnel dedicated to sweeping the sea of Tenerife found two oxygen cylinders that belonged to Thomas gimeno, the man who allegedly murdered his two daughters to take revenge on his ex-partner and mother of the children.

the oceanographic vessel Ángeles Alvariño allowed to locate these objects, which reinforces the theory of suicide paid by researchers: According to experts, the bottles are used for have oxygen for about three minutes and its consumption can cause dizziness that prevents the body from responding to suffocation shipwreck.

In other words, it is a narcosis, which consists in that the consciousness of the diver with a bottle of gaseous nitrogen is altered by the high solubility of this gas with water. The effect produced is similar to a drunkenness.

The tanks are the size of a half-liter water bottle and are often used in aquatic emergencies requiring a small amount of additional air.

During the searches carried out at Gimeno’s home, a invoice for the purchase of oxygen cylinders. The 37-year-old man acquired them a few days before going to sea with his two young daughters, Olivier, 6 years old and whose body appeared in the ocean on June 11; Yes Anna, barely a year and a half, and of which nothing is still known, although it is presumed that she was also murdered by her own father.

The mystery remains as to a weight belt that it would have been used by the “Monster of Tenerife” to sink into the sea and end his life.

The case that moves Spain

Gimeno was last seen in the marina in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the largest of the Canary Islands, when he loaded his boat with several bags and set sail. The scene was recorded by security cameras.

This April 27, Gimeno took Olivia and Anna and made a pact with their mother, Beatriz zimmerman, return them to 21. Never returned.

The next day, the man’s boat was found empty, adrift and without an anchor in front of the Puertito de Güímar, in Tenerife, facing West Africa. There, the search operations began.

The vessel Ángeles Alvariño, in charge of the sweeping at sea. (Photo: DPA)

After nine days of unsuccessful sweeping, Interpol issued a so-called “yellow notice” for Olivia and Anna. The largest international police organization often uses this procedure to help locate missing persons, mainly minors, or to help identify people who cannot reveal their identity on their own.

The judge in charge of the shaking case Spain confirmed a few days ago the suspicions surrounding the file from the start: Thomas gimeno put in place a plan for murder his daughters in order to make suffer Zimmerman.

“He killed them in a planned and premeditated way to provoke inhuman pain to her ex-spouse, the greatest suffering she could have imagined “, declared the magistrate.


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