The tension between France and Italy increases because of "yellow vests"


In the context of the upcoming elections to the European Parliament, tensions between Italy and France worsened yesterday after Paris called for consultations with its ambbadador in Rome after a series of unprecedented attacks "leaders of this country against French President Emmanuel Macron.

Paris has called for consultations with its ambbadador in Rome after a series of "excessive declarations" and "unfounded attacks" by Italian leaders, the French Foreign Ministry said.

"For several months, France has been the subject of repeated accusations, unsubstantiated attacks and scandalous statements," said ministry spokeswoman Agnès von der Mühll. "This is unprecedented since the end of the war … The latest interference is an additional and unacceptable provocation," he added.

The meeting of Luigi Di Maio, Italian Deputy Prime Minister and head of the Five Stars Movement, with members of the "yellow vests" mobilized against President Emmanuel Macron was the straw that broke the camel's back. Di Maio announced Tuesday on social media that he had met members of this anti-government collective. "The wind of change has crossed the Alps," said the Italian after the appointment.

"This new provocation is unacceptable among neighboring countries and partners of the European Union (EU)," said a spokesman for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

At the beginning of January, Di Maio had already supported the "yellow vests". "Do not give up!", They had explained in the blog M5S, an anti-establishment movement born in 2009 after the rejection of the political clbad by the Italians.

Italy's Interior Minister and League leader Matteo Salvini is trying to organize a far-right European front against pro-Europeans, including Macron, ahead of the 26th European elections. may. In January, Salvini said Macron was "a lousy president" and expressed the wish that French voters send a message to Macron by showing his support for the far right Marine Le Pen, Salvini's ally on the political scene European.

France reacted to what she called a "series of unprecedented attacks since the end of the war" from Italian populist government leaders.


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