The tension between Santoro and Manguel is reinforced: the journalist destroyed it on Twitter


It happened after reading the interview that his ex-colleague of Animales Sueltos had given to Jorge Fontevecchia.

March 17, 2019

After the scandal of Stornelli and D & # 39; Alessio What he left in evidence the internal espionage of Daniel Santoro to his colleagues at Animales Sueltos, the freelance journalist Clarín broke the silence in an interview with Jorge Fontevecchia in which he spoke, among other things, of the case.

In one question, the profile owner consulted him through his colleague Romina Manguel and called him "Filokirchnerista", which sparked the journalist's fury in social networks.

"On the criticism of your colleagues, in the case of Romina Manguel, who was a Filokirchnerista, who is now out to criticize you, what special tension was there with her?asked Fontevecchia.

Santoro replied: "That's the directed filtering. The cause is in secret summary, and the Kirchner media published Tuesday a fragment in which it is said that D'Alessio had drawn a psychological profile of my colleagues and that I had for source. This Santoro wrote the reports, that he gave false information. I have never reported, I have never given him any information so that an intelligence report can be done. "

Via your Twitter account, Romina Manguel he made a statement of non-responsibility for the interview: "Filokirchnerista. Nothing makes sense. Nothing In addition to the wrong question is not the point. Share the supposed information with a dark and dangerous character and for what. But I am neither Fontevecchia nor Santoro to give lessons in journalism. And there is no summary secret "he condemned.

To integrate

Filokirchnerista. Nothing makes sense. Nothing In addition to the wrong question is not the point. Share the supposed information with a dark and dangerous character and for what. But I am neither Fontevecchia nor Santoro to give lessons in journalism. And there is no secret of the summary.

– #ONCE #R MANGUEL (@rominamanguel) March 17, 2019


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