The tension continues in Chile despite Piñera's excuses: there are already 18 dead


During, Major unions and social movements will take to the streets on Wednesday and Thursday after calling for a general strike threatening to stir up massive protests that struck Chile six days ago., despite the fact that the president Sebastian Piñera He apologized and announced measures to end the seizure.

Under Secretary of the Interior Rodrigo Ubilla confirmed the deaths of three people during the last day, including a man who died at the police station after being beaten by the police.

"This corresponds to a person from the municipality of Maipú who died yesterday (Tuesday) in the central post.The causes, according to his family, follow a police beating Alexis Nuñez Sandoval goes to the center of health of Pudahuel, returns home and must then go to the central post where he dies, "said the authority.

He added that there are currently two judicial situations: a complaint from the National Institute of Human Rights (NHRI) and the prosecution's investigation as a case. criminal. "The prosecutor's office is also investigating the failure of the Pudahuel health center to report," he said.

Chile: death toll rises to 18 at demonstrations

Ubilla also confirmed that "there are a number of complaints, not only from the NHRI, for different situations of illegitimate emergency.We hope that all this will be clarified, will be part of the investigations into course and that we can have an answer according to the formal mechanisms that our country has ".

The official said that the number of people arrested for acts of violence had decreased, even though it had increased due to a curfew violation, from 438 to 592. The demonstrations also increased, reaching 220,000 people in the country.

Regarding the wounded, he mentioned 95 persons belonging to the armed forces and to the order, and 102 civilians. Asked about the call for a strike launched by the Unitary Central of Workers and Tax Officers, Ubilla replied: "We call on organizations to join the dialogue invited by the President of the Republic, which received a welcome favorable on the part of the parties, the politicians. "

JJCC Chile on Twitter

"Yesterday (Tuesday), a strong proposal was made on how to go forward and we believe that dialogue is the best way to seek social peace," he concluded.

While the director of the National Institute of Human Rights (INDH), Sergio Micco, realized a complaint of torture filed by a young man who was arrested at the Baquedano metro station located in Plaza Italia, the highest concentration point in Santiago.

"There are eight complaints, which are now 20. I think they will increase in the next hours." There is a constitutional complaint because in a police station, inhuman treatment, cruel and degrading were unacceptable, "Micco told Cooperativa radio.

Beatriz Tomililla on Twitter

With regard to the allegations of a secondary officer who was abducted from his home, Micco announced that they would "submit constitutional protection, NHRI officials were able to verify that the leader of the Cones and her mother, who is a trade union leader, were arrested inside the building ".

According to Micco, the fact could have been "lifted from curfew", but said that they "had accused three days ago that the secondary leader was being persecuted".

Request of Pope Francis

"I am concerned about what is happening in Chile, and my wish is that, by ending violent demonstrations, through dialogue, efforts will be made to find solutions to the crisis and to deal with the difficulties that have arisen. generated, in order to: the whole population ". Pope Francis said today at the end of the general hearing on the situation in Chile, where since October 18, anti-government protests have led to the intervention of the government. 39, army in the country.

Protests in Chile have erupted against the rising price of the metro ticket, but have become national mobilizations against social inequalities.

Tuesday night, a new curfew was decreed in different cities of Chile – the fourth in a row in Santiago, Valparaíso and Concepción (south) since the demonstrations that have already caused the death of 18 people were recorded, according to the authorities of the different bodies. armed forces.


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