The tension rises: Maduro orders the closing of the main border points with Colombia


Source: AFP – Credit: Juan Barreto

Nicolás Maduro

ordered the closure of the three bridges connecting the state of Táchira to Colombia, the main border points between the two countries, "because of the serious and illegal threats made by the Colombian Government against the peace and sovereignty of Venezuela", he said last night the Vice President Delcy Rodríguez.

These are the bridges that connect San Antonio and Ureña to the Colombian Cúcuta and the one that allows to go from Boca de Grita to Puerto Santander. This is precisely what the president in charge, Juan Guaidó, went through with his team
a video that went around the world, clearly defying the power of Nicolás Maduro. The Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) has banned the departure of the country, in addition to the embargo on their accounts, against the Speaker of Parliament.

"We require that

Iván Duque

to put an end to its infamous actions and stop providing the territory of Colombia with an attempt, by order of Donald Trump, to violate the right of Venezuelans to live in peace and sovereignty, "protested the former minister Foreign Affairs.

This momentary closure coincides with the total closure of the border with Colombia and the Netherlands Antilles. The order of the Miraflores Palace arrives only a few hours before the start of the day of the challenge of the opposition against the revolution. This 23-F is programmed "humanitarian avalanche" which allows to introduce to Venezuela tons of aid collected in Cúcuta, in particular, as well as at the border of Brazil and on the Curaçao Island.

"As planned, deny the right to humanitarian aid," replied Rocío San Miguel, president of the NGO Control Ciudadano.

Among the thousands of volunteers prepared for this operation, many spectators attended the ceremony.
Venezuela Aid Live, who camped nearby. A mega concert that served to inspire them. "We feel the fraternity of a rebuilding society, after twenty years of revolution." There was a very special moment when one of the artists asked the audience to kiss the one next to him, and it was like this: they had all kissed each other eyes full of of tears, "he described for
THE NATION Gustavo Contreras, Venezuelan émigré of 31 years, including two in Cúcuta.

Source: AP – Credit: Fernando Llano

The success of the concert organized by the British magnate Richard Branson contrasted with the limited participation and the very low quality of the participants in the Chavista concert on the other side of the Puente de las Tienditas. Much improvisation and less enthusiasm, beyond the harangues of the leaders who came there, like Diosdado Cabello.

"We are preparing for the humanitarian avalanche! We call everyone to mobilize tomorrow, March 23, in all the barracks, go peacefully, without violence and with the will to change, to demand the payment of l & # 39; "Help," said Guaidó via his social networks.

The disciple of the political prisoner

Leopoldo Lopez

He met with Presidents Sebastián Piñera, Marito Abdo and Iván Duque, as well as the Secretary General of the


Luis Almagro. "It is very exciting to meet face-to-face with President Juan Guaidó of Venezuela on this historic day, and we reaffirm our support for and commitment to the return of freedoms to this brother country," said the coffee chief. .

The violent military crackdown on the Pemon Indians on the border with Brazil, which ended a woman's life and left 15 wounded, inflamed residents who, at that time, harbaded the barricades erected by the country. 'army. The Pemons collected 74 bullet casings and eight tear gas bombs after the morning incidents. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, urged the Caracas government not to use lethal force against protesters.


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