The tension with Washington escapes and in Venezuela we speak of "war"


The tension between Venezuela and the United States continues to escalate. Yesterday, while the operational strategic command of the Venezuelan armed forces denounced new incursions of "spy planes" US in its airspace, the number two of Chavismo, Diosdado Cabello, declared that his country was ready to carry out a " Absolute war "with Washington, while warning that it is" likely "that" the Marines will enter ", but that it will cost them to leave the Caribbean nation.

The Strategic Operational Command of the Venezuelan Armed Forces has denounced the fact that US ships are crossing sovereign skies, which Washington has firmly denied.

"Today (yesterday), again, American spy planes improperly enter the FIR (Flight Information Region, for its acronym in English) under the control of our country, in violation of the aeronautical safety and international treaties ", denounced the operational strategic command via his Twitter account.

The Venezuelan army said that it was, as it was last weekend, an American plane EP-3E, entered the Maiquetía FIR at 10:58, according to the 39, army, and abandoned it three hours later without services. Venezuelan air traffic may establish any communication with the aircraft.

"The United States continues to offend openly against our homeland and the world. Respect this city which, with the FANB (National Armed Forces Bolivarian) wants peace, "said the military, who accompanied their message with a graphic description of the route taken.

Other complaint

A week ago, the armed forces detected two American reconnaissance aircraft in the Maiquetia region, and even the Minister of Communication, Jorge Rodríguez, said that these planes could have caused the general breakdown last Monday.

"They attacked again on Monday; It is no coincidence that an American spy plane specializing in electronic interceptions, electronic battles and cyberattacks, attempted to violate Maiquetía's exclusive information space, the space which corresponds to the protection of the people of Venezuela, "said the minister in an action in Caracas.

Diosdado Cabello, considered the second authority in the country after President Nicolás Maduro, said Venezuela was ready to fight with the United States.

"We are ready today, we say it really, without arrogance, because, if they want it, an absolute war of all our people for the defense of our country and our peace," said M Hair at a meeting between parliamentarians as part of the 25th Sao Paulo Forum, in Caracas.

"They should know, they know," he added to the applause of those present in the House of Sessions of the Parliament of Venezuela, where the meeting took place.

Cabello also insisted that "US marines are likely to enter" Venezuela, an alert that he himself had launched earlier.

However, he said that in case of invasion of the United States in Venezuela, "the problem for them is going to be leaving".

"Here, 200 years ago, we launched the most powerful empire of that time, and we were not so prepared nor united," he said, attempting to to draw a parallel between a possible armed struggle between Venezuela and the United States and the emancipation war he waged. the country of South America against Spain 200 years ago.

Venezuela and the United States have tense relations virtually since the arrival of Chavism in power in 1999, but tensions escalated last January, when the Trump administration acknowledged the president of the country. Opposition and Head of Parliament, Juan Guaidó, Acting President. as part of the initiative to expel Maduro from power.

Venezuelan doctors There are 1,050 in Argentina

Of these, 525 are practicing the profession, according to a report.

According to the newspaper The Nationalof Caracas, more than one thousand Venezuelan doctors have emigrated to Argentina, according to Migraciones. According to reports, 1,050 doctors formed the Association of Venezuelan Doctors in Argentina. Of these, 525 practice their profession through the decree of the country that validates the professional titles of migrants without apostille. 54% reside in Buenos Aires and 50 doctors in northern Argentina.

Printed edition

The original text of this article was published on 28/07/2019 in our print edition.


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