The terraplanists began their congress in Colón and explain why they say that the Earth is flat – 02/03/2019


The Argentine terraplanista movement is interesting. Not because of what they say, but because of the way they think. They believe that the Earth is flat and have arguments to justify their theories. They speak with great solidity of the history of science and refute each of the scientific milestones of the past and present that they know by heart and by heart. They save forgotten thinkers, such as Claudius Ptolemy, who believed that the Earth was motionless and occupied the center of the Universe, and questioned the most prestigious ones like Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton, parents of the most accepted scientific models of the world. new

For them, humanity has been deceived for centuries: The Earth is not round, does not turn on itself, does not gravitate around the Sun, man has never reached the Moon, the International Space Station does not exist no, there are no satellites in orbit around the Earth, the photos of the planet floating in space are wrong, the atmosphere would be very dense and impenetrable, and the world would be surrounded of ice.

Guillermo Wood and Ibu Landucci badure that the Earth is flat. Photo: JUAN JOSE GARCIA

Guillermo Wood and Ibu Landucci badure that the Earth is flat. Photo: JUAN JOSE GARCIA

They met this weekend at the sports complex of the municipality of Colón (they have not tried to be ironic with this), just over 300 kilometers from the capital, to see each other for the first time, many knowing each other through the networks. . The meeting, attended by about 80 people, consists of a presentation, a barbecue to "break the ice" and informative talks that will take place on Sunday, during which several exhibitors will talk about terraplanismos, vaccines, geoengineering, self-sufficiency, cultures and Germanic medicine, among others.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

Some arrived with tents and settled in the vast meadows of the municipal complex, which includes a lake and several grills. Come people from Rosario, Buenos Aires, Spain, Chile and Paraguay. There were also locals who engaged in the talks to "listen to the arguments", as we said José, a native of Colón. Among the followers of this theory are convinced and others who doubt. Diego, kinesiologist and arrived from Rosario, was converted to terraplanism two years ago. And since then, he is convinced: "The idea of ​​a flat land has raised many doubts that I had been thinking for some time," he confessed after telling the columnist that the Rotschild families Morgan and Rockefeller controlled the world.

Others, however, are not entirely convinced and want to hear the arguments. "A few months ago, we learned this theory and came to see what it is," said María, who, along with Martín, traveled more than 300 kilometers to participate in this terraplanist movement.

Some arrived at the tent meeting.

Some arrived at the tent meeting.

Iru Landucci, visual effects specialist, and Guillermo Wood, architect, are the main representatives of the terraplanists meeting. Both speak very fluently what they think. Do not hesitate They know a lot about the history of science and claim to use the principles of scientific thought to refute the "official science" as they say.

The scientific method is based on a series of stages: compilation of facts, understanding of facts through laws, formulation of hypotheses to explain what happened, comparison of experimental results with those expected in the developed hypothesis and prediction new facts. This implies to have critical thinking, not baduming a postulate of faith, but because it fulfills a series of characteristics and is essentially rational.

The first meeting of terraplanistas in Argentina.

The first meeting of terraplanistas in Argentina.

Just at this point, the terraplanists claim to be more scientific than the scientists themselves, because they think they are better using the principles of scientific thought to challenge today's undisputed truths such as the curvature of the Earth: " I entered in 2015, I went to investigate and do historical revisionism, and I started to understand that there were things that did not fit the reality. In this sense is the mechanics of fluids: there is no way to bend the water and show that it can stick to the wall of a container. The official science makes us believe that the oceans, which weigh millions of tons, are attached to a sphere that moves too ", questions Iru.

They discuss virtually everything that is currently known about the world and the universe. They say, for example, that it is not because of the roundness of the Earth that the mast of a ship is the last to disappear from the horizon. "It's because of the angular resolution, because the light is refracted, it dissipates and that's why the vessel disappears, which any physicist knows," Landucci says.

About 80 people participated in the event.

About 80 people participated in the event.

Wood and Landucci also claim that no one could "ever prove that the Earth is moving around the Sun or on its own axis". That the theory of The relativity of Einstein was invented to justify this notion. "The movement of the Earth is taken for granted even though it's not detected, but the observation tells me that when I look up, I see that the Sun and Moon are moving at above me and that the stars are turning, so why do not we have the right to study it from another angle, "asks Iru, invoking the purest positivist skepticism.

Wood explains that the flatness of the planet can be verified by installing cameras in balloons up to 40 km in height. "When you do spherical trigonometry at that height, you should see a huge bend and always have the right air." Landucci adds that they dropped one of these balloons but that they only reached 21 kilometers in height. "And that gave the same result," he said.

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They also tell of terraplanist experiences that "go up on commercial planes with infrared lenses filtering all the atmospheric layers, and ten kilometers high, they can see 1200 km on the horizon, something impossible in a sphere"

For them, the shape of the Earth would be similar to the map of Glisson, where the Planet appears flat, surrounded by Antarctica and on which the Sun rotates in a circular manner. "The Antarctic is the highest continent on average and when you want to enter, military bases prevent you from entering. Moreover, the weather conditions are so unfavorable that there is no has no human technology to penetrate this continent, "said Iru.

Guillermo Wood and Iru Landucci defend the theory that the Earth is flat.

Guillermo Wood and Iru Landucci defend the theory that the Earth is flat.

The terraplanistas further believe that the design of a Round Earth was imposed to control the water, minerals and population. "In a flat country, the mineral resources would be infinite, in a sphere, they would all be limited, so whoever imposes the idea of ​​the round Earth retains the resources," Wood says. They also claim that the heliocentric theory was created by the Church because it is a "solar cult", in reference to what it would mean a worship of God.

Wood and Landuccini, long exposed to this chronicler, have had many disputes. That the Earth's atmosphere would be much denser and stronger than we think, "like a crystal," they say; that no one knows what the depth of the Earth is, that the Moon and the planets could also be flat, that the Sun would be the same size as the Moon.

After all this long conversation, this columnist raised the question of Iru and Wood. If the Earth is flat, why do we see the Sun rise and hide on the horizon every day? "It's a question of perspective, it's an optical phenomenon due to atmospheric distortion," they explain.




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