The terrible story of Fran Mariano in “Weight Matter”: “My father broke an iron on my head because I was gay”


In 2011, Fran Mariano became popular through A matter of weight, reality that he entered by weighing 173 kilos. Thanks to the treatment, he lost 92 kg and underwent weight loss surgery, which transformed him into a different person. Obesity was not only the product of food addiction, it was also he voluntarily gained weight to save himself from his father’s assaults because he believed that if a knife stung him, the grease would prevent him from damaging any organ.

In the Gastón Pauls program, the young man stressed that his homosexuality was a real torture for her father, who once broke an iron on her head.

“I have scars on my body from the beatings I received. I have always been gay since I was a child. Stage one year without leaving my room. Deep down, it was a great fear that people would see me, I was pushing for the day to end quickly. I had no idea what sexuality was. I imagined that on the other side of the door I was in New York, that there were buildings, that it was a city, but I didn’t go through it, I was in watching TV, eating and eating, “he said with anguish on the surface.

Fran Mariano ingresó a "Weight problem" with 173 kilos.  (Photo: file).
Fran Mariano entered “Question of weight” with 173 kilos. (Photo: file).

It was at the age of 12 that he discovered he was obese. His mother took him to the doctor and the diagnosis was very clear, since they also sent him to the nutritionist: “I remember perfectly because it was an important step. I didn’t know what a label was. They charged me, but when you’re a boy, you don’t take on the dimension of who you are. On a piece of paper it was written “obesity”. Consult a nutritionist ”. This is where the fight began. At the beginning it was with my old wife. She wanted me to lose weight and I didn’t. I was very rebellious and I think like with all addictions, until you make a decision, it’s very hard to focus on the other side. He would buy me all green, yoghurt, green bread, jams, but I would go to the local kiosk to eat an alfajor ”.

Fran Mariano was also encouraged to give details about another addiction: cosmetic surgeries. “I felt it when there were issues I couldn’t control. When I started to operate I knew I was going to mambo and that there were things that were not healthy for me. Liquid silicone was injected into my lips. I think at some point in your life the addiction develops and then gets worse. You can be addicted to a healthy life or addicted to wars, but addiction at some point when you take them», He clarified.

Fran Mariano spent a million pesos to look like Ricky Martin: did he succeed?
Fran Mariano spent a million pesos to look like Ricky Martin: did he succeed?

In dialogue with TN show, the media acknowledged that more than 28 times under the knife to look like Ricky Martin, his idol: “When someone wants something, the end justifies the means. I spent whole days without eating, but my hyaluronic acid and botox never failed. I sold a property that I inherited and the money invested in my body. He also had some savings. It also helped me to have been on TV, since some doctors gave me discounts ”.

The transformation of Fran Mariano.  (Photo: file).
The transformation of Fran Mariano. (Photo: file).

Your list of settings is endless. “I’ve lost count of everything I’ve done to myself. I operated on my chin three times, I also did four times on the cheekbones, nose, neck lift, double chin liposuction, three body liposuction, I had buttock implants, I applied Botox and lip filler “, Hill.

The terrible story of Fran Mariano from


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