The terrifying "Momo" is back: it now appears in Peppa Pig's videos | Chronic


The "Momo Challenge" is a challenge that has become viral among the youngest in the world. It is a dangerous game to add cell phone contacts to the disturbing Momo and talk to him, following a series of violent and dangerous steps that can lead to self-badping and even suicide.

Until recently, it was nothing more than a WhatsApp chain where every person decided to pay attention or ignore it. But in this last time, the face of the spooky character next to his challenge began to flee in the videos of Peppa Pig and until Fortnite in the Youtube platform. Highly requested videos by children and schools gave the alert.

Since its appearance, "Momo" provoked controversy and terror among the little ones

The children's content starts "innocently" as any ordinary episode of Peppa Pig, but quickly becomes an altered version with violence and vulgar language, where the doll speaks of the challenge and incites to hurt.

"Hello, I'm Momo, your worst nightmare, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, I'll be in your bed at night, and in the morning you'll be dead, you want a surprise, look at my eyes, I'm not lying to you you will die, your leg and you will never find me again, cut your wrist and your family will never see me. says the terrifying one in the Peppa Pig video.

Among the dangers that can pose the challenge include theft of information, incitement to suicide and violence, harbadment, extortion, depression and insomnia.

While the video platform reported that there was no evidence that "Momo" was present among their videos, schools and parents in England were alarmed by the content their kids are watching on the Web.

"We are increasingly aware of the existence of inappropriate videos circulating online and watched by children, broadcast on many social media and YouTube (including Kids YouTube.) One of these videos begins with the beginning of an episode of Peppa Pig, which becomes a modified version of violence ", Haslingden school alert to Rossendale.


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