The territory that defeated the coronavirus and is on the road to “normalcy” | the Chronicle


The Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, said the territory is “free” of coronavirus, after do not register a new case in the last 24 hours, with the exception of two from abroad, for whom he indicated that they will continue to lift some of the restrictions that were still in place.

“Today, it is a real pleasure for me to finally announce that there are no active cases of COVID-19 among the resident population of Gibraltar”, Picardo celebrated at a press conference.

“From now on, given the absence of active cases in our community, but bearing in mind the increase in the number of infections in Europe, we can continue with great satisfaction with the gradual and cautious relaxation of restrictions” , a d.

Chinstrap will only be used in certain situations (El País).

Meanwhile, Picardo reported that from next Monday the The hospitality industry will have no capacity limits or the number of guests at its tables and his workers They will only be forced to use one mask and not two as was the case until now.

In turn, he pointed out that the use of a mask It will only be compulsory in public transport and in stores, while already it will not be necessary to continue with limited capacity for outdoor meetings from the 16th of this month, when the current restrictions end.

The vaccination campaign in Gibraltar was a success (El País).

“The right to freedom of assembly, which is a constitutional right, will again be free of restrictions in Gibraltar”, highlighted. The only measures that will remain in effect as so far are those related to screening, tracing and isolating possible new cases of coronavirus.

Authorities in Gibraltar have confirmed 4,276 cumulative cases, of which two from outside the Rock are still active and which are isolated and 94 have died.

“There is life after Covid” seems to be the title of the small site (El País).


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