"The terror factory": they denounce an Argentine businessman who tortured his employees in Chile


An Argentine businessman has been accused in Chile of torturing his employees for punishing them for committing errors at work. One of the victims denounced in front of the first person the horror that he had suffered in the company and broadcast records of these violations.

In a report presented Tuesday evening in the public channel TVNyou see how the entrepreneur Hugo Larrosa, owner of a food factory in Santiago, stripped her victim – aided by other workers – and punched, kicked and badped him with a belt. The images provoked the indignation of Chilean society and the media described the story as "the terrorist factory".

"My birthday fell one day Saturday and Larrosa called me to go to the second floor.When I walked in, he was behind the door, he closed it and threw himself on me, and all of them, at her command, took off my clothes, "she said. between tears José, one of the workers who denounced the Argentine businessman. "Then he made me run, hitting me with a belt, with the buckle. I had so much back pain that when I urinatedI stooped and I received a boost, "he added.

The tortures of Hugo Larrosa would have occurred between 2012 and 1016. (Source: 24 hours)
The tortures of Hugo Larrosa would have occurred between 2012 and 1016. (Source: 24 hours)

In one of the videos, it is possible that, while José was attacked by Larrosa, the young man shouted in pain at the laughter of the other employees of the company who participated and recorded the events. It was not a hidden camera to expose the employer, but the accused himself forced his workers to film the humiliations.

"The hardest thing was that I had to wash, wash, dry my eyes, turn the page and stand in front of my colleagues as if nothing had happened," added José.

To compensate for the constant mistreatment, the businessman gave bonuses and awards to his workers, with whom he tried to silence the tortures. According to the testimony, Larrosa also threatened them with a firearm and boasted of having been part of the Argentine Federal Police.

According to José, the torture allegedly began in 2012 and would have been prolonged until 2016, when he decided to leave the company, which he described as "a hell". The first thing he did afterwards was denouncing everything he had suffered before the law.

The videos of the tortures were delivered by one of the leaders who participated in these "games" in a Chilean court to investigate the incident. "I felt like a fool for not reporting all the damage people were going through," said the witness, who has distributed about 500 recordings. After the complaint, the government filed a lawsuit against Larrosa, who would stay in Chile, but with unknown location.


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