The Texas Catholic Church has identified 286 priests who have abused children


Another scandal is shaking the Catholic Church in the United States. After Illinois last December, they identified this Thursday 286 priests and other ecclesiastical posts this so-called children and adolescents victims of badual abuse in recent decades in Texas.

Fifteen dioceses of this state, including Austin, San Antonio, Dallas and Houston, they revealed the names of pedophile priests, as part of a campaign that began in August 2018, when a Pennsylvania court made public the case of 300 priests who reportedly did the same.

These revelations are the most recent since the institution has promised more transparency on cases of badual abuse involving clergy children. According to the Diocese of the State of Texas, all priests accused died or was removed from the clergyor both.

"The bishops of Texas have decided to make known the name of these priests at that time, because it is just and equitable, with the aim of offering healing and hope to those who have suffered," said today Cardinal Daniel DiNardo. the diocese of Galveston-Houston.

For his part, Reverend Michael Olson, of Fort Worth, said in a letter to his parishioners that he felt "deeply ashamed of the mistakes of the past by the leaders of the church leadership who failed to protect children"

After the publication of the minutes in the state of Pennsylvania in August, nearly 50 dioceses in the United States published lists with the names of more than 1,200 accused priests badual abuse of minors.

In this document, the Pennsylvania jury criticized the fact that all identified cases had been left aside by Church leaders "who they preferred to protect the abusers and the institution, especially. "

As a result of the concealment, almost all cases were Too old to be tried, since the majority of them are prior to the year 2000.

The Episcopal Conference of the United States then announced an overall plan for to approach the "moral catastrophe" that the American church is suffering.

Pope Francis acknowledged last Saturday that the Church was "Wounded by their sin" But at the same time, he defeated the expectations of the February summit in the Vatican to take concrete action on the cases of abuse saying that it is a problem that "will continue".

The network of survivors of mistreated priests (SNAP) celebrated this revelation, but asked the authorities to conduct independent investigations.

"The only way for bishops here in Texas to be really honest about rebuilding the sacred trust is to: allow a review of all files by law experts, "said a statement.


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