The TIAR countries take the first step to activate the defense treaty against Maduro


The states are part of Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR), a regional agreement containing a clause of collective defense, decided Wednesday to convene the organ of consultation in charge of badyzing the situation in Venezuela. The vote, during Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), was resolved by 12 votes in favor of convening the advisory body and convening a meeting of foreign ministers of States Parties for the second half of September.

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay and Dominican Republic, as well as Venezuela – represented by the emissaries of the President in charge Juan Guaidó – voted for, while Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Panama and Peru abstained and the Bahamas have been absent. These countries also agreed to inform the United Nations Security Council of this decision and "all activities related to this issue".

The call of the consultation body is the first step to activate the TIAR, which is considering a wide range of diplomatic and economic measures before the last resort: the use of armed force. Called the Rio Treaty, the treaty contains a kind of collective defense clause that would allow other signatory countries to act in the event of aggression by one of them.

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In 2012, the government of President Hugo Chavez ordered the withdrawal of Venezuela from TIAR, along with Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua, but in July, the National Assembly presided over by Guaidó ordered the reintegration of the country into the treaty. "We appreciate the majority support of the OAS countries," Guaidó responded on Twitter, while asking other countries to "badess the crisis facing Venezuelans and their solutions."

An "infamous decision"

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela "categorically" rejected the "infamous decision" "from a small group of governments in the region who, aligned with the interests of the supremacy government of the United States, have invoked the activation of a disastrous instrument of our continent's history." , as is the case of TIAR ".

"It is necessary to recall that the TIAR was imposed on our region by the United States in the context of the Cold War and was intended to legitimize military intervention in Latin America for ideological reasons. in 1954, Cuba in 1961, Dominicain in 1965, Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1989, "he said.

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In addition, he denounced the fact that "When there was a real aggression of an extra-continental power against a country of Latin America, as was the case of Argentina in 1982 by the United Kingdom, the United States betrayed the continent and prevented its activation, aligning itself with its NATO partner ".

"It is painful that countries overrun by US troops and whose villages were slaughtered under the TIAR today endorse a similar crime against a sister country, during a meeting of the Permanent Council of the United States. The OAS is clearly iridescent and empty: it will be History and the inhabitants of Patria Grande who are responsible for judging this unworthy attitude, "he said.

The Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs also recalled that since Venezuela had left the TIAR, the government of Nicolás Maduro "does not accept or recognize any obligation arising from this treaty"while ratifying its adherence to the United Nations Charter and international law. He also expressed the feeling "called on the countries and peoples of the region to firmly reject the claims of this small group of countries that have threatened the peace and integrity of Venezuela and the entire continent since l & # 39; OAS. "



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