The TN team made an uncomfortable live mistake


The Todo Noticias show in the Sunday morning news was the scene of a huge mistake on the part of the production team that caused a lot of discomfort to a guest journalist's show.

After the eleven-thirty titles, Ricardo Cbadetti and Dominque Metzger initiated a Skype communication with the Spanish journalist Alejandro Requeijo in order to speak about the general elections taking place in the European country and which raise great expectations among its population because of the uncertainty of the elections and the probable alliances that can be concluded between the different parties to participate

To begin the conversation, the melody of the Spanish anthem was used, but Requeijo did not forget the serious mistake that they were committing. "Hello, how are you, good afternoon. I first want to give you a note that you have probably ignored. The hymn that has just been played is the pre-democratic anthem, the anthem of the Franco dictatorship. The current anthem of Spain has no lyrics, it's just the same sound we heard but without the lyrics. What we have heard is the Francoist letter which is no longer used", Turned the reporter.

"Very well the point then", Said the driver to avoid the wrong moment and go on to talk about the vote.

Francisco Franco he was dictator of Spain from 1936 to 1975 and, according to a report from International Commission on Missing Personsthere were about 114,000 missing under his regime.

During the last broadcast, the programming of the news channel had already caused a serious broadcast error. It was in the night of Saturday, March 2, when Gustavo Tubio he had a huge mistake in communicating the news of the death of Franco Macri, father of the president of the nation. As if that was not enough, the next day, Cbadetti made a harsh remark when his companion announced the return of Mauricio Macri of his rest in the south of the country in Buenos Aires to participate in the burial of his father, which caused the networks' hard reactions and a subsequent clarification on his part Marcelo Fiasche, sports reporter the signal of Clarín Group.

Source: Exitoína

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