The touching and coarse letter of the man who helped his sick wife to die: "There must be right to assist suicide"


Ángel Hernández, a man who was arrested in Spain for giving a substance intended to help his deceased wife, who suffers from multiple sclerosis and who was terminally ill, wrote in a letter stating that "there must be right to badisted suicide ".

In the document, communicated to the media by the badociation "Right to Dignify Dignity", the man evoked the case of his wife, María José Carrasco, and said that he was asking for it. help with suicide, he would have "no choice but to provide this help". .

according to 20 minutes, the 61 year old woman from Madrid he suffered from the disease since 1989 and in 1994 they recognized a disability of 82%. She retired two years later and, according to her husband, was high disability due to multiple sclerosis, with repeated outbreaks, with a frequency of once or twice a year, unstable gait, as well as urinary and sometimes rectal incontinence. It requires the help of others for daily activities (walking, washing, feeding, dressing, etc.). "

The 69-year-old man also retired early to care for his wife. In 2007, the woman requested a place in a specialized medical center but since then she was still on the waiting list.

In recent months, Maria José's health has deteriorated and the woman started receiving palliative care at your home.

"Quality palliative care such as those received by María José should be a right of all who need it and who ask for it, but also there must be the right to badisted suicide when a person like María José asks for it", wrote Hernández.

"Palliative care is not an alternative to l & # 39; euthanasiaboth must coexist and freely decide for one of them. No one thinks or believes that this story has been read that if the treatment by the Community of Madrid had been different, as well as their obligation, which we had received, it would have made us change our position on what we think of Euthanasia "continued

"We are lawyers who l & # 39; euthanasia to be considered a right of free choice of each person who drags a irreversible disease in which he produces an existence of addiction and suffering that he does not want, "said the man.

He also addresses the "deniers" about euthanasia and asks them to be aware of the "pain they cause to all those who, like María José and her family, are suffering from her illness." attitude".

"This story will be over when María José, who has the right to end her misery and use her freedom, decides to continue her suicide." It is obvious that María José's desire to realize herself needs help. Because of her inability to do it herself and the fact that she constantly asks for this help, there is no other way than to provide her with this help so her wish can be granted, "concluded Hernández.

The Penal Code provides for criminal penalties for those who collaborate in a suicide up to ten years in the extreme case of "the execution of death", although it is reduced if a victim expressly asks and if she suffers from a serious illness, said El. Journal


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