The trade balance showed a surplus of US $ 460 million


February's trade balance was due to a 3.7% increase in exports, which amounted to US $ 4,464 million, and an import of US $ 5,169 million, with a drop of 22.9% over one year.

In the first two months, exports reached US $ 9,050 million and imported US $ 8.218 million, with a surplus trade balance of US $ 832 million, against a deficit of US $ 1,819 million recorded during the same period in 2018.

February exports were $ 160 million higher than the same month a year earlier, due to a 6.7% increase in export quantities and a 2.9% contraction in prices.

External sales of all major items increased year-over-year, with primary products up 1.2%; manufactured products of 4.1% agricultural origin; those of industrial origin 5.5% and fuel and energy of 3.0%.

Imports in February decreased by $ 1,192 million year-over-year, as a result of a 1.3% drop in prices and a 21.9% drop in quantities.

Imports of capital goods decreased by 32.6%; intermediate goods, 9.8%; those of fuels and lubricants, 17.1%; parts and accessories for capital goods, 18.2%; consumer goods, 28.8% and pbadenger vehicles, declined by 46.5%.

Exports to Brazil reached US $ 917 million and imports US $ 940 million, with a trade deficit of US $ 23 million.

In February, the main trading partners were Brazil, China and the United States.

In the first two months, Argentina maintained a trade deficit of US $ 132 million with Mercosur and US $ 583 million for NAFTA (Mexico, US and Canada); the European Union, with 645 dollars, and with China, the country with the highest red, which reached 928 million dollars.

On the contrary, the country maintains a favorable trade balance with Asian countries (ASEAN) for 704 million USD, the Middle East for 445 million USD; India for 299 million euros and MAGREB and African countries for 324 million dollars.


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