The trade war between the United States and China has progressed


The United States started collecting higher tariffs of 25% on imported Chinese products yesterday as part of an escalation of the trade war between the two largest economies in the world, which opens up the door to retaliation from Beijing.

US President Donald Trump imposed a $ 200,000-million lien on Chinese goods on May 10, but granted a grace period for shipments leaving China before this date. those who applied the old tariff of 10%. The US Trade Representative's office has set June 1 as the deadline for the use of the previous rate of duty. As of that date, Customs began collecting a 25% tax on US ports. The United States imports at least $ 418 billion worth of Chinese products and exports to China for about $ 130 billion. The trade deficit led Trump to launch its trade war.

The customs tax increase includes a large number of consumer goods and intermediate goods from China, including modems and routers for the Internet, furniture, appliances and lighting products. All products that Americans consume with pbadion.

Yesterday, China began applying tariff response measures on a US $ 60,000-million merchandise list. Chinese tariffs, announced on May 13, apply an additional rate of 20% or 25% on more than half of the 5,140 US products listed. Beijing had previously imposed additional rates of 5% or 10% on the products named in the list.

No new trade negotiations between China and the United States has been scheduled since the last round, which ended in a stalemate on May 10, the same day that Trump announced the increase. customs duties. Trump accused China of breaking an agreement to end its trade dispute by abandoning compromises reached during months of negotiations. China denies this claim.

China on Friday threatened to unveil an unprecedented list of companies, groups and foreigners that it considers "unreliable". This warning could further heighten tensions after Washington put Huawei on a blacklist this month that is preventing US companies from doing business with the Chinese telecommunications giant.

The "list of unreliable entities" in Beijing will apply to those who "violate the rules of the market and the spirit of the contracts", block deliveries to Chinese companies for non-commercial reasons, "seriously undermine rights and legitimate interests "of local businesses and affect national security, said the ministry. The first targeted was FedEx, the mail giant, accused by Huawei. Trump said he plans to meet his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, at the G20 summit on June 28-29 in Osaka, although Beijing has not confirmed his appointment. It is likely that Xi and Trump have "difficulties" to make great progress, said Dai Xianglong, a former Chinese official. He did not rule out China's stronger retaliation, but felt that a mbadive sell-off of US bonds by China would hurt its own interests.


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