The trade war is revived: the EU will impose customs duties of 12 000 million US dollars in the United States


"We do not want an eye for an eye, even if we must be ready to take countermeasures in case there is no other way out, I still believe that the dialogue is what should prevail "said the Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström, referring to a similar Washington announcement.

For more than 14 years, the United States and Europe have accused each other of unfairly subsidizing their aircraft manufacturers Boeing and Airbus, respectively. This multi-case dispute is the longest and most complicated with which the World organization of commerce (WTO).

Last week, the US administration of Donald Trump European subsidies to Airbus "penalize" in the United States in about $ 11 billion a yearand was prepared to impose retaliatory measures.

Washington has also released a preliminary list, consisting of 14 pages of European products that may be subject to additional tariffs, mainly in the aeronautical sector, but also to foods such as cheese, fruit, oil and gas. Olive and wine, as well as clothing.

The EU then estimated that the amount was very high "exaggerated" and argued that it also intended to adopt Boeing's countermeasures, recognizing, as did the United States, that this would correspond to a "appointed arbitrator" by the WTO "determine the rights of retaliation".

The EU Trade Commissioner has called for "dialogue" enter "important partners" to end the conflict. "The EU remains open to discussions with the United States, as long as they are not subject to preconditions and aim for a fair result ", a point.

The dispute is currently at a time when the EU and the United States have been striving for months to make a fragile trade truce, announced in July 2018, at the end of a year. meeting of the President of the United States with the President of the Commission. Jean-Claude Juncker.

EU countries on Monday approved the mandate that will allow them to negotiate a trade deal with the United States, despite the rejection of France, although it has defined red lines, such as the end of heavy US tariffs on European aluminum and steel.

The tension between the two has increased in recent days because of Washington's intention to activate a 1996 rule allowing foreign courts in Cuba to sue in courts that handle confiscated badets. after the revolution and that could affect EU companies.


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