The traditional Chilean center-left wins the capital and will reign over 10 of the 16 regions – Telam


Claudio Orrego is the new governor of the Santiago metropolitan region

Claudio Orrego is the new governor of the Santiago metropolitan region

With the second electoral round of the governors this Sunday in Chile, The new Chilean regional map consisted of 10 regions in the hands of the former Concertacin (Constituent Unit), including the capital, three for independent candidates, two for the new left alliance Frente Amplio and only one for the ruling party. of the coalition led by President Sebastin Piera.

This ballot was marked by a very low citizen participation, that of the more than 13 million people authorized to vote, only a little more than 2.5 million attended, that is to say 19.61% of the electoral list.

The great battle of that day was the metropolitan region of Santiago, the most important district of the country: Christian Democrat Claudio Orrego became the first elected governor with 52.7% of the vote, against 47.3% for Karina Oliva of Frente Amplio, when 99.97% of the tables have been scanned.

During his first speech as governor-elect, Orrego affirmed to assume “this triumph with great humility and an immense sense of responsibility”, while stressing that “this election shows that good politics can be done and touch the heart of the Chileans ”. and highlighted the work ahead.

“Raising the metropolitan area after the pandemic will be very difficult, with a legacy of pain, unemployment, health and education issues,” Orrego said.

The new metropolitan governor sent a conciliatory message, inviting those who did not support his project to join him in achieving his goal of “urban and territorial justice for the whole region”.

“It is important that we banish disqualifications, hatred, lies, the desire to divide ourselves into friends and enemies. We are all inhabitants of the region,” he said.

Meanwhile, Oliva congratulated his opponent, wishing “that he builds a region for everyone” and expressed that “we must fight and consider the other as a force to build a more just country”.

Chile elected 13 governors that day, with a strong center-left predominance

Chile elected 13 governors that day, with a strong center-left predominance

Before defining the Metropolitan Area, the other 12 constituencies in play had already been practically defined and, as in the first round, the first conclusion at the national level is that the ruling party led by President Piera has suffered another and harsh defeat.

Already, he had only managed to register a few ballots -9 out of 13-, but with the ballots defined, the ruling center-right party won only one region: the Araucana.

With 100% scrutinized, the candidate of the Chile Vamos alliance, which includes the four forces of the coalition in power at the national level, Luciano Rivas, wins with 58.21% of the vote, far from Eugenio Tuma of the Party of center-left. democracy, with 41.79%, according to the official count.

Another similarity with the mega-election of May 15 and 16 is that the independents have once again become important players in this new political map that is emerging and which seems to be the son of the social outbreak that shook the country in October 2019 .

Independent candidates won three regions: Miguel Vargas in Atacama with nearly 60% of the votes against the representative of the Constituent Unit coalition which brought together the former Concertacin parties; environmentalist Krist Naranjo in Coquimbo with nearly 62% of the vote in front of the Independent Democratic Union of Pinochet (UDI), and Rodrigo Daz at Biobio with over 71% compared to another UDI leader.

The center-left of Constituent Unity, more closely linked to traditional parties like the Christian Democracy (DC) and the Socialist Party (PS), which were hit hard in May, not only by the advance of the independents but by that from the left, they had a better performance today.

DC candidates won in Arica and Parinacota, Maule and De los lagos, while uble Socialists, De los Ros and Libertador Bernardo O’Higgings, according to official data.

In the first of those regions, with 100% control, DC’s Jorge Daz defeated Enrique Lee of the ruling center-right alliance by over 57%.

In Maule, meanwhile, Cristina Bravo beat the independent Francisco Pulgar with more than 57%, all tables scrutinized.

And finally, in the Los Lagos area, Patricio Vallespin beat a candidate of Piera’s party, Ricardo Kuschel, with more than 62%, who got more than 37%.

Socialism, meanwhile, won over Pablo Silva in Libertador Bernardo O’Higgings with over 57% compared to another UDI leader; Oscar Crisostomo won in uble with nearly 53% against this same right-wing force; and Luis Cuvertino won in Los Ros with over 59% against a leader of Piera’s party.

The Constituent Unit also added another governorate, that of the Antofagasta Region, led by an independent, Ricardo Daz, with 72% of the vote. in front of another leader of the National Renovation, the force of Piera.

Finally, the left-wing force of the Commons prevailed in Tarapac with the candidacy of Jos Miguel Carvajal, with 57% against a leader of the Constituent Unit.

Voter turnout was very low in this second round

The electoral turnout was very low during this second round

The poll, which took place in 13 of the 16 regions, was marked by a rebound in coronavirus cases, which led health authorities yesterday to declare quarantine throughout the metropolitan region.

However, Chileans did not need to obtain special permits to go and vote, as this was allowed just with the ID.

Chile has accumulated nearly 1.5 million confirmed cases and more than 30,000 deaths from the coronavirus, since the start of the pandemic.

On a national level, These votes resulted in a very negative balance of power for the center-right of Piera: the Constituent Unit obtained 1,198,254 votes (47.48%), the Front large 723,725 (28.68%), the official Chile Vamos 340,213 (13.48%) and the independent 261,678 (10.37%).

Data is no less.

The next big Chilean election will be that of the president, on Sunday, November 21, although there will be primaries on July 18, in which the left-wing force will participate.I approve of the dignity and the center-right coalition Chile Vamos, since the Constituent Unity will not come to an agreement and will go directly to the presidential elections with separate candidates.


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