The tragic death of a 26-year-old model: deceased during the Fashion Week parade – 28/04/2019


Tales Cotta, 26, had become a famous model in Brazil and had carved a place in the world of fahsionists. But his life came to an unexpected end, having participated in San Pablo Fashion Week, the biggest event of his country in this sector.

The young man was walking for the Ocksa mark on the day of the fence, when he began to wobble and ended up on the ground. unconscious. Firefighters immediately looked after him on the podium and taken to the hospital. He died shortly after, while the doctors examined him.

Tales Cotta was 26 years old and was born in Minas Gerais (Instagram).

Tales Cotta was 26 years old and was born in Minas Gerais (Instagram).

The young man paraded for the Ocksa brand at his death (Instagram).

The young man paraded for the Ocksa brand at his death (Instagram).

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Such was a model of the agency MGE Base, but it was not easy to make a career. The agent Faelo Ribeiro, who discovered it in 2011 in Minas Gerais, recalled that the young man had suffered rejections because of its height of 1.78 meter, weak measure of the men's fashion standards .

"It was one of the first models that I launched, he always had that juvenile face, we started a friendship quickly, it was like a family, he loved very much, a devoted boy, he was rejected to because of his size, but I fought for him. " Ribeiro recalled in an interview for O Globo.

Friends, parents and even Tales' mother told the young man that he was in good health and that he had good habits of life (EFE).

Friends, parents and even Tales' mother told the young man that he was in good health and that he had good habits of life (EFE).

The young man was walking for the brand Ocksa (EFE).

The young man was walking for the brand Ocksa (EFE).

Friends, parents and even Tales' mother told the young man I was in good health and I had good habits: I was vegetarian, I practiced yoga and I did not have any illness or eating disorder, very common problem in bridging models. His acquaintances describe him as a happy and accomplished boy with his professional, international projection career, told El País.

The medical report, which was reported by the civilian police, indicates that Thales suffered a sudden death without apparent determining cause. The case was recorded as "suspicious death to be clarified" until the results of the autopsy arrived. The doctors asked for blood tests and toxicological investigations to erase all the hypotheses.

Vegetarian, he practiced yoga and had no illness or eating disorder (REUTERS).

Vegetarian, he practiced yoga and had no illness or eating disorder (REUTERS).

Since the organization did not cancel the event (REUTERS).

Since the organization did not cancel the event (REUTERS).

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The videos circulating on social networks show at the moment the shocking moment. The organization issued a press release confirming the death of Tales at 6:50 pm local time, and meeting with brands, fashion show directors, stylists and fashion models to badess the cancellation of this event. .

"We regret this fatality and extend our sincere condolences to the Thales family, and in collaboration with the Base MGT agency, we are providing all the necessary badistance at this sad moment," they said. However, they did not cancel the event, something that has generated negative comments among the audience.

"I had a very good genetics, I ate everything and I did not get fat." (EFE).

"They tell lies, for example that the death was due to anorexia, drugs, veganism, stress … Moreover, they did not offer vegan taste before the parade , absurd things, "said Alexandra Soares, a G1 portal. sister of Tales, who lives in the interior of Minas Gerais, where the model was born and where the family lives.

As for the moment when her brother fainted, Alexandra remembered that when she saw him fall, she thought she had not done so. than stumble. A few minutes later, he received a call from the director of the MGT base agency, Rogério Mendes, informing him that his Thales had suffered a cardiac arrest and that the whole family had to take care of him. plane immediately.

Thalita Cruz, 22, a colleague of the model agency, confirmed that Thales did not seem to have any health problems: "He had a very good genetics, he ate everything and he did not grown ". The young man had already been fired by his friends and family. It only remains to wait for the results of the autopsy.

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