The train continued for a long time and hit a retaining wall in Egypt: 20 dead | Chronic


The "ghost of death" devastated the city of Cairo, where 20 people were killed and 40 others injured, following the collision between a locomotive and a stop at the end of the railway near Ramsés station.

According to local authorities, the locomotive – which was in a maintenance shop – entered the station at an excessive speed and hit the brake of one of the platforms "with great force", which caused the explosion that affected the people who were instead.

Moments of extreme tension were experienced in Cairo.

At the same time, security forces evacuated the station to control the fire that followed the explosion and the Egyptian government immediately announced the creation of a committee to know the reasons for the explosion. Accident and determine the makers.

Chaos seized the pbadengers.

It should be noted that rail accidents are common in Egypt due to the poor condition of the tracks and vehicles, as well as the lack of a modern signaling and traffic control system.

The biggest railway tragedy in the history of Egypt, which claimed the lives of 376 people, occurred in 2002 when a train covering the road linking Cairo to the city monument in Luxor, in the south of the country, caught fire.


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