The trans man who gave birth to a baby


After the fire of their home, the couple quickly settled into a van and when it seemed that they were destined to become two solitary travelers, Wyley began to have nausea morning. At first, he attributed this to his nicotine addiction and decided to quit after years of smoking, but nausea persisted. Neither the Pride clinic for the LGBTQ-plus community nor the couple's obstetrician could give any explanation, but after five pregnancy tests it was confirmed that despite testosterone treatment for six years, Wyley was pregnant

At first, it was a tragedy. The idea of ​​going through a biological process that would turn her body into something for which she worked so hard was terribly terrifying. "I had reached a point where I felt good with my body and I did not want to back down.Pregnancy is considered a feminine thing to do.I was trying to get out of it." Clinic Pride and the obstetrician and gynecologist couple admitted that Wyley was their first pregnant man. From the first moment, things were clear: they would live on the road traversing the country, with the child, animate workshops, participate in art exhibitions and make farm visits. And in that, they walk happy.

Decision: He thought about an abortion or an adoption. But before the first ultrasound, everything changed.

A quiet baby who eats a lot

"We talk a lot, we get ready, we went to prenatal yoga together, we saw a lot of videos and we solved our birth plan together," the couple said. In September, the baby has finally arrived and since then, they live happily: "People say that children are expensive, but they are only diapers and formula, all that matters for children is their parents' attention and their fun to play, "said Wyley.

They say Rowan Fox is a quiet baby and he likes to eat a lot. And they say they have a lot of approval from their friends: "The support has been great. it has helped me to have confidence in fatherhood (and to learn to) rely on help when it's needed, "said Wyley, an American couple who has become a reference for the entire LgtbQ community.


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