The “tree beast” which terrorized an entire neighborhood and hid a secret


It could well come from the imagination of Orson Welles, Guillermo del Toro or the creators of the saga resident Evil. But no, none of that. A strange object that the neighbors defined as a huge “iguana” terrorized the inhabitants of a neighborhood Poland. However, things were not as dire as they seemed.

In a district of Krakow290 kilometers south of Warsaw, residents experienced a scene from a horror film for a few minutes. A strange creature caused chaos and they had to call in specialists to avoid what was believed to be a threat.

“Come find her,” pleaded a neighbor who contacted the Krakow Humane Society (KTOZ, for its acronym in Polish) in front of the intimidating form of the animal. Form that some define as a “tree beast”And, others, of a iguana giant.

In a dialogue with KTOZ, the woman described that the brownish “creature” had been in the treetops for two days and the neighbors did not come out to their balconies lest it enter their homes. However, when NGO staff approached the scene, they immediately learned that it was a much more everyday element than they realized.

Far from capturing an unusually large iguana, KTOZ staff couldn’t contain their laughter once they arrived in the neighborhood in question. “We were looking and looking around when we suddenly saw her. The brown creature is leaning on a tree branch, it does not move. As the lady described her brown skin glistens in the sun, there is something dull in places. But on closer inspection we see that the poor animal has neither legs nor head“, They described on the entity’s Facebook.

Large, but harmless

It was there when the members of the NGO realized that it was not a being of the animal kingdom, but of a croissant of enormous proportions. After bursting into laughter, experts concluded that he was probably placed there to feed the Krakow sky birds.

The supposed "iguana" giant was nothing but a work of a master pastry chef
The supposed giant “iguana” was nothing more than the work of a master pastry chefKTOZ

After the tragicomic incident, KTOZ urged people to continue reporting all kinds of animal sightings. “It’s always worth reporting something that concerns us. It is better to verify it and then be disappointed than not to react and that it leads to a tragedy ”, they concluded.


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