The trial begins against a couple from Santiago who tortured their children


The malicious actions of this couple met in 2017 when they reported to the police that three children were in a precarious home in the city of Beltrán in a deplorable state. abandonment and submission.

After the custody attorney arranged to enter the box, the local police found a 6 months old baby lying on the ground, accompanied by pigs eating from his diaper. They also witnessed the reality of two children, one 2 years old and the other 5 years old, who they slept in unsanitary conditions, naked and without anyone to take care of them. The three children were malnourished and presented a profound image malnutrition.

It was at this time that prosecutor Herrera ordered the detention of the parents, who were accused of abandonment Later, the Undersecretariat for Children took care of little brothers.

Doctors who examined the baby found that he had bruises all over his body, a broken hip, and a broken femur during welding.

Your little brothers besides being malnourished and dehydrated, suffering from anemia and poor hygiene. The doctors reported that they had burns and scars lesions in different parts of the body.

It turned out that the researchers were able to demonstrate the badaults on 2 and 5 year olds by the man, who was not his biological father.


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