The trial of a woman who murdered her stepfather, her husband, her pimp and her attacker opens in France


The criminal trial against Valerie Bacot (40), which got pregnant at 17, after being raped by her stepfather, then she was forced to marry him. The woman shot and killed her attacker after nearly 25 years of living in hell every day.

Valérie Bacot is accused of having murdered her stepfather and later her husband, who, according to her, abused her since childhood. (Photo: AFP / Jeff Pachoud).


The murder took place on March 13, 2016 in the French department of Saone-et-Loire when Bacot shot and killed his stepfather, the truck driver Daniel Polette (61 years old), who begat four children with her and made them his wife.

Polette came into her life at the age of 12 as her mother’s new boyfriend. At that time, the woman had also been the victim of incest from her brother.

The deceased was convicted of sexual abuse and assault during Bacot’s teenage years, after the facts were revealed after the young woman’s testimony. For these crimes, Polette was sentenced to four years in prison in 1996, but was released after 18 months in prison.

During confinement, Bacót’s mother, who was a violent woman with severe drinking problems, forces the teenager to visit him in prison.

Cover of the biographical book “Everyone Knew” where Valérie Bacot recounts her dramatic and raw experience, including the crime (Photo: Amazon)

Once free, Polette He returned to the house he shared with Valérie’s mother and continued with the sexual and physical abuse against the young woman.

Bacot, while still a minor, became pregnant as a result of the rapes. Polette then ended the relationship with the woman’s mother and left the property, moving in with Bacot to a new house. The girl’s mother, despite her abandonment, helped with the move move her daughter’s things.

Man, what I was 25 years older than Bacot, he married her and as a result of this relationship, four children were born.

In his book, Everyone knew (“Everyone Knew It”), published on May 12, Balcot details how she endured the nearly 25 years of relationship with the man, including 18 under the figure of forced marriage.

Marriage, prostitution and subsequent murder

When got pregnant at 17, testified against her attacker, and for this reason her mother chased her out of her house and had to move in with Polette. “I wanted to stay with my son. I had no oneThe woman said during her statement in court. “Where can I go? “

Once she formed a new couple in the face of marriage to her ex-father, the abuse worsened. The daily slaps turned into beating and then into strangulation. Eventually, the violence came to a head when the subject pointed a gun at her head and threatened to kill her.

During the marriage, Bacot had three more children with Polette, and told the court that her life with him was a “extreme hell”. In her biographical book, she described what it was like to live as a prisoner in her home, unable to speak to anyone and in constant fear of violent attacks.

Valérie Bacot, dressed in a yellow scarf, comes to court. (Photo: AFP / Jeff Pachoud).

When he retired from his job as a truck driver, Polette forced her to work as a prostitute, Sexually serving customers in the back of a Peugeot 806 pickup that the deceased had equipped himself with a mattress and curtains, as he told in the book.

The woman pointed out that the breaking point came in March 2016, after one of her husband’s clients raped her. At that time, moreover, Polette started harassing the 14 year old daughter they both had, while He suggested the idea of ​​using the minor as a prostitute as well.

Using a gun her husband had brought with him in case the customers turned violent, shot him in the back of the neck while sitting in the driver’s seat, then hid the body with the help of the three elders, including her daughter and the latter’s boyfriend.

Bacot was arrested in 2017 and admitted the murder, being arrested along with the three oldest children and the boyfriend who appeared for questioning in October of the same year.

The woman, who now faces the murder charge, remained in jail for the first moments of the investigation, but after a year she was released and he was allowed to await trial at his home with an ankle bracelet. Two later of their children were sentenced to six months in prison for helping dispose of Polette’s body.

The defendant could spend the rest of her life in prison, as authorities determined that the incident which led to Polette’s death did not occur under conditions of self-defense.

The case shocked French society and attracted the attention of the international press. The sentence against Valérie Bacot will be announced on June 25.


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