The trial puzzle against Nahir Galarza: false assumptions to the sentence that divides Gualeguaychú


The case of Fernando Pastorizzo, often badly named "Caso Nahir Galarza", was probably the most shocking of recent times . Not only did it mobilize all of Gualeguaychú, but it also sparked interest and national debate, and also prompted the badysis of a large number of international media outlets in Entre Ríos. to join the extensive coverage of the event.

The characteristics of the murderer, the mechanisms of death, the unusual defense strategies of the accused and even the presence of a media officer who manipulated the image of the accused , were elements of a record that clearly indicated that Dramatic homicide would attract the attention of society for a long time. On the other hand, tragically accustomed to hearing the innumerable feminicides that occur in our country, this case has reflected from the beginning a contrary fact concerning the position of the protagonists. This time it was she, in the couple, who according to the evidence exercised psychological and even physical violence ; and it was he who, in his last attempt to end the relationship, was going to be killed.

And just as the case presented a wide variety of lamentable "media" that attracted the attention of the people, we, the journalists who covered it from the beginning, were privileged witnesses in the corridors of the courts from the progress of tests, the walk of the badumptions and the solid march of the work of a tax that from the beginning knew how to place each of the pieces in its place .

It started in the summer and ended in the winter. From the heat of the overwhelming evidence, to the cold attitude of the accused to testify in court, the case went through all the proceedings in those intense six months .

It was the same December 29, the day of the crime, when local media began to tell the strange death of a "young man riding a motorcycle on the street General Paz". The theory of theft as the motive of the crime was to dissolve at the same time as was delayed "a young couple of the victim" .

Nahir Galarza was finally detained that day after confessing the murder to the prosecutor Sergio Rondoni Caffa. The publications of the 19 year old girl on social networks with farewell messages for her "angel" would no longer be useful for her weak alibi and, with that, she only spoke to us about her complex personality. Something that psychiatrists confirmed later during the trial

A few hours after the crime, we were able to get to the prosecutor's office the first data confirming the paternity of the act by the young woman detained. To our surprise, Nahir's parents went out of the courts and we were able to give them the lead so far, we consider the most valuable note in the whole affair. In one of his responses, the police Marcelo Galarza said that his daughter "took the worst decisions" to recognize the intentionality of the crime, something that he and his lawyers would deny until then. Last day trying to explain that the bullets had been accidental. The value of this document has increased as the case progresses.

Fernando Pastorizzo was shot dead by two bullets and the detainee confessed to having killed him with his father's weapon when he said in the prosecutor's office: "This is me, it's me, I miss my father and my family. He-by Fernando- died because I shot him twice . "Everything was very clear, there was nothing left to know about the motive of the crime, but the cause seemed simple, although dramatic and surprising for the youth of its protagonists."

But this clarity that we have noticed in the record began to become muddy when Nahir and his lawyers reacted and set up conflicting badumptions on the fact. "She was not, did not shoot ", they came to say at once, after the negative result of the dermotest made to the accused.Over the days, the team of defenders of the girl would change and with this change This would also vary the strategy to follow: "It's true, it was it, but the shots were accidental ", was the new version chosen by the defense.

It is true that these initial strategies were absurd, but undoubtedly induce that both the The accusation that the complaints that represented Fernando's family had to redouble their efforts to more clearly demonstrate how it had been " aggravated homicide for the use of firearms and the relationship of the couple ", as it was chartered by the prosecution from the start.

In the first days of January, one of the investigators' tasks was, through the work of psychologists, discovering the true personality of Nahir Galarza in an attempt to understand the motive of the crime.

"Did you know that some time ago the piba invented an abduction?" A source told us at the door of the courts, and he left without wanting to explain this mysterious question. Then, we knew that it was true. The accused had an antecedent: when she was 16 she came to invent having been a victim of an abduction when she disappeared one day from her home. This strange episode, in addition to the badysis of specialists, told the detectives that the defendant could play several more complex cards than the ones she had already presented.

The puzzle that the prosecutor prepared was taking shape as and when. days despite defense strategies and, with the extension of Nahir Galarza's statement, everything finally became clearer.

"He was going so fast that when he turned he lost control of the bike and I pulled out his gun .I did not even look while I was there. I caught it and at that moment it stopped suddenly, I felt the first explosion and there we both let it go, I managed to m & # 39; I stopped and, as I did not understand anything, I started shaking and I remained deaf, like a fool. I leaned over to look at him and that's when that the second explosion surprised me … I was deaf again and there I reacted and threw the weapon on the ground ". Thus, he explained the homicide of his partner Nahir Galarza in his extension to justice. A few months later, in the lawsuit, I would change the phrase "I felt the explosion", by "I was stunned" to explain each of the bullets.

Now, with his "reality" of the fact told in detail before the prosecutor, over the months, with a new team of lawyers and even with the intervention of the head of the media who manipulated his image , Nahir Galarza is defended as he could before such overwhelming evidence against him . The natural mediation of the case seemed to give more importance to the murderer than to the victim's own family and the opinion of the people was growing more and more.

  Jorge Zonzini, the spokesperson appointed by the parents of the accused, issued a statement with the sensationalist tone and with the name of the poorly written victim.
Jorge Zonzini, the spokesman appointed by the defendant's parents, issued a statement communicated with the sensational tone and with the name of the poorly written victim.

The trial date was approaching and letters from both parties were almost all played. The lawyers of the Pastorizzo family had to try to reflect the violence of Nahir against Fernando through witnesses and evidence, while the supporters of Galarza depended on a mixture of people. hypotheses they only deviated the file path further.

It is that the inmate's defenders played at two points: On the one hand, badured that the crime was an accidental event ; an incredible and childish theory that looked more like a haircut than a judicial strategy. But on the other hand, they indicated that in fact the young woman was the victim of gender violence exerted by Fernando and that is why he l & # 39; had killed. If it was not "A", it was "B". With this position they reached the trial, which was held in 10 hearings for a month and was to reach its final days after the six months of the crime.

The debate, as we know, included the testimonies of friends of Nahir and Fernando, and most of them were very strong against the accused. Even those presented by the defense could not help Galarza. She also stated that she spoke for two hours in court and repeated the version of the accidental shootings. But he also spoke, Fernando, as his loved ones have said. He did it with text messages to his friends and photos that were broadcast during the trial. Finally, they had a big role in the debate the Prosecution's evidence and the work of experts who ended up pushing the accused to jail time. perpetuity who finally released To the surprise of many, life imprisonment divided the people of Gualeguaychú since many neighbors were in favor of this punishment, but others were critical saying that they were an exaggeration of justice. the 35 years of jail they gave to the murderer.

Opinions, discussions and extensive press coverage with international repercussions have generated the case of Fernando Pastorizzo. A fact that, as we have seen, went through various stages and circumstances generated mainly by the various maneuvers of the accused's defense to try to save her from the hardest sentence. However, at the beginning, it was very clear who was the murderer and who was the victim ; not only homicide, but violence in the couple.

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