The tribute of TN and La Gente users to the Malouin heroes


Acts and tributes for the Veterans' Day and the victims of the Falklands War they have been reproduced all over the country. President Mauricio Macri received a hundred veterans and relatives of soldiers in the Olivos residence. A plaque reminding fighters to commemorate the 37th anniversary of the conflict with the United Kingdom has been placed.

In the morning, on the Plaza San Martín, took place the central act, where one of the black granite slabs was replaced by the legend "an Argentine soldier known to God", who remained at the Darwin cemetery for 37 years. by a tombstone with the name and surname of the fallen soldiers identified during the last years.

On the other hand, users of TN and the people They also paid tribute to the Malvinas heroes and shared their information on the citizen journalism portal.

* In the overview of the youth match between General Lamadrid's club and the Defense and Justice Club, this historic date has been commemorated.

* Luciano's tribute, 8 years old, to ex-combatants.

* Veterans acted in Necochea in front of the monument located in Quequén, where they hoisted a flag and sang the national anthem.

* TN and the people.
* TN and the people.

* The Patria or Nada group is reminded of the Falklands heroes with an emotional video.

* The tribute that was made on the banks of the Paraná River to the Villa Constitución.

* Valentino, age 6, read a letter during a school event in front of his grandfather, a veteran.

* Lucas's homage with his son in his house in Castelar.


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