"The trip abroad has changed," said the family of the author of the New Zealand massacre


The Australian family of Brenton Tarrant, the right-wing extremist who killed Friday 50 people in two mosques in Christchurchin New Zealand, he apologized for this "irreparable" damage.

The shooter was "a normal kid" who loved computers, according to the grandmother of the attacker, Marie Fitzgerald (81), in dialogue with the press agency Europa Press.

However, after the death of his father, Brenton started traveling and something changed in him: "Since I left abroad, I think this boy has completely changed the boy we met" said the grandmother, who acknowledged that someone in our family can do something like this. "

Meanwhile, Uncle Terry Fitzgerald said that he thought only to the victims: "We are very sorry for these families, for the dead and injured."

The chief of the operation, Mike Bush, said that 36 people were still hospitalized and that two of them were in critical condition.

In addition to Tarrant, three other people were arrested on Friday. One of them had arrived armed to badist children and was released shortly thereafter. The other two are a man and a woman who were arrested near the police cordon in a car with several weapons, although they believe that none of them is involved in l & # 39; attack.

Premier Jacinda Ardern has announced in recent hours that the bodies of deadly victims will begin to be delivered from Sunday. (TN and The New.)

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