The true height of Everest | China and Nepal have put …


Nepal and China jointly announce real height of Everest, the highest summit in the world whose measures are still the subject of controversy. “It will be a height commonly accepted around the world,” anticipate the authors of the new research.

The announcement It will be this Tuesday, when the results of new studies will be published that will reveal whether the mythical mountain was affected by the 7.5 magnitude earthquake that shook the region in 2015, and in which more than 9 thousand people died, including 19 on this mountain .

It is the first time that the two countries, Nepal and China, agree on the height of Everest, and hope so. end the controversy surrounding the mount since its first measurement in 1849 by British geologists.

Until now, Kathmandu, owner of the southern slope of Everest, has set the height at 8,848 meters, respecting a measure carried out by India in 1955 and recognized internationally.

The Director General of the Department of Nepalese Studies, Prakash Joshi, confirmed that all preparations for the announcement are complete “To end questions of what exactly is the height of the tallest mountain in the world,” he said.

The data will be revealed during a joint conference and virtually, although Joshi clarified that the event will also be broadcast live on Nepalese TV channels.

In the early measurements, when it was not yet known that Everest – the last name of the British geographer who conducted this survey – was The highest mountain in the world, trigonometric calculations were used.

In 2005, the China Bureau of Topography and Mapping recalculated the peak using GPS and radar equipment and set its height to 8844.43 meters, rejecting the more than three meters of snow covering the summit.

Over the years, Nepal had announced plans to measure the peak in 2011, although the project only started in 2017. “There have been several surveys carried out over the past decades by different countries, but Nepal has never measured its own peak,” Joshi told a press conference.


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