The true nationality of Luis Miguel and the key points of the last episode of the series | who


En route to the grand finale of the first season of Luis Miguel, the series the problems with his father increase, his relationship with Erika Camil is in danger and his career grows like the foam.

An "uncomfortable" nationality
Since the release of his son in the early 1980s, Luis Rey has decided to lie: that Luis Miguel was born in Veracruz to justify that it was about the "El Sol de México". In fact, there were more lies about his birth.

Javier León Herrera says in his book Luis Miguel, history : "The baptismal number of the 1,545 party was established in the … The Most Heart Parish Pur de Marie is one of the masterpieces of counterfeit Galician art … The book consists of New York as the birthplace of little Luis Miguel. He obviously had to support the lie that he told everyone about his New York tour … But Luisito outdid himself in the art of lying and cynicism a year later when on the occasion of Confirmation (by Luis Miguel) that took place in Monterrey, changes the story again. Then the child was not born in New York but in Veracruz, a version that would resume a decade later when it would be released as a singer ".

Javier Herrera Leon also points out that, in fact, the idea of ​​this invention was not only Luisito Rey, but also the "Negro" Durazo.
"… from the first moment Luis Miguel was introduced as a Mexican born in the port of Veracruz.His father, as part of the complete training to which he had been subjected, he gradually removed the remains of the Accent that pronounced the phoneme of "c" and "z", still notorious before its debut on national television … Before exposing the child to the epicenter of fame, The version that the boy was Mexican, a facade that had long spread word of mouth through the work and grace of the Gallego, had to become official, and Durazo came back to give them a hand with them. procedures … In the documentation would appear its origin jarocho … It was very difficult to sell to the public that El Sol de Mexico, a perfect alias for the image and the product that we wanted to launch , was actually Spanish and was born in Puerto Rico. "

But c As we say, the truth always comes to light and when Luis Miguel was 22 years old and was at the peak of success and was about to release his album Romance (which would give a twist to his career and which would lead to consolidation in Mexico and the rest of Latin America), on July 26, 1992, the Puerto Rican magazine Vea published the truth: that Luis Miguel is actually Puerto Rican.

I do not want to be like my father
In the so-called series is Tito, the uncle of Luis Mi, who filters the information to the press. As it has been, the case is that the singer decides to tell the truth and to announce that he is about to start the procedures for his naturalization and thus become a Mexican citizen.

But Javier León Herrera said that nationality was a problem for many people involved: "The nationality was a problem, because of the irregularity with which things were handled when Durazo helped the family to mount the house. Veracruz history, with time, it was difficult to ratify the Mexican nationality Hugo López and Alex Mc Cluskey (the directors) used the Spanish pbadport of Luis Miguel to travel, completely unaware that there was In any case, before the bomb exploded in the middle of the Caribbean (as the news of his true birthplace was in Puerto Rico) the proper movements of the environment have allowed that in November 1991 President Carlos Salinas de Gortari granted nationality and an authentic Mexican pbadport, a country to which he owed everything and in which, in that precise year, he completed a decade of housing ".

There is no certainty that Luis Mi summoned a press conference to corroborate his origin, but this interview does exist, in which he says that he feels 100% Mexican.

The Bait for Marcela
Marcela and Luisito Rey were already separated when the opportunity was presented for Luis Miguel to cease to be part of the EMI Capitol catalog to join the ranks of # 39, another label, WEA.

Only to realize this new case there was a big one but: Both the singer's mother and father had to sign the contracts. And Marcela in Italy, not wanting to know anything about Luis and even trying to talk to Micky!

The series shows that Luis Rey one day called, telling him that he missed her a lot and wanted her to come back, obviously, with the idea of ​​signing the papers. In Leon Herrera's book, it seems that things were different and more disturbing: Luisito Rey was very insistent, but not because he was missing, but because he needed Marcela to sign the label . In addition, she had to enter into an "agreement" with her to take back the accounts and property that she owned in her name.

"Luisito had no way to access it if he did not have the signature of the mother of his children and the legal way was unachievable, first because that they were not married, which precluded any proposal for a conjugal partnership … the hidden nature of the money itself did not allow any legal dispute.The only outcome was a mutual agreement, and that's what Marcela Basteri believed it gave her a situation of advantage. "

Marcela's aunt, Adua Basteri, told Javier León Herrera how it was the last call Luis Rey in Italy to make her travel to Madrid, which, by the way, was not a signature for the label, but so that Luis Miguel could appear in Chile.

"… One day he told us that (Luisito) insisted that I go to Madrid because I had to sign something for Luis Miguel and something also for Sergio, we have him Hesitating view, we did not want her to be in … and even after she left, a mysterious woman came to Castagnola to ask her, speaking very badly and threateningly that she was very careful that Luisito was going to him cut off the neck, "Adua told the biographer.

And Javier León Herrera adds: "The excuse was that I had to sign a paper so that Micky could enter Chile, which she did not understand in principle not because her son had traveled from the beginning thanks to her US pbadport to this country … you do not know why she had to sign anything, and even though she did not trust Luisito, her insistence made her hesitate and she decided to him to give the arm to twist.It was the month of August 1986. "

Problems with Erika
There was first the question of the nationality of Luis Miguel . Erika Camil can not believe that he did not talk to her about it.
And then there will also be his fatherhood. Before Erika, it is the father of Jaime Camil who discovers that Micky is the father of a daughter, that he had with Stephanie, the granddaughter of a famous actress (Silvia Pinal).

But in this episode, Erika asks him to hide nothing. What will you do when you discover that you are the father of a girl?
In real life, Issabela Camil did not talk about the reasons for his breakup with Luis Miguel. She was unhappy with the idea that her boyfriend had too many fans, and that affected her a lot, according to Lucía Miranda.

On his relationship with Luis Mi, the actress said that, by education, she would never say anything.

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