The true story of Momo, the terrifying challenge that has become viral


13/07/2018 – In recent days, a terrifying picture has begun to circulate on WhatsApp, which also has a legend that asks users to write to you once they've got it. view. The phone number of the one who is sent is supposedly from the woman in the photo called Momo.

According to the publication of many users, an unknown message arrived around 3 am, with the image of this sinister and distorted woman. According to the challenge instructions, you can not allow Momo to write to you twice in a row, and you must not be repetitive either. You can only fail once and if you fail twice you will disappear from the planet without a trace.

I just got a message from WhatsApp with this face … It's called Momo, I think it's an experience and I'm scared.

– Juan Carlos (@Jkrlst) 11 July 2018

However, the true story behind the image became known: this n & # 39; It is nothing more than a sculpture that was part of the Vanilla Gallery in China, a museum specializing in terrifying art. Even, there are many posts on Instagram that have been taken by fans where you can see the sculpture.

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