The true story of the selfie with the gorillas that became viral – 23/04/2019


Photos of gorillas in Virunga National Park, Congo, exploded on social networks. In the images, can you see the great similarity of these animals with humans in their attitudes and movements? Although it seems like a lie for these primates, we see them posing for selfies with the rangers who They work against poaching.

Virunga, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, has 600 rangers and two of them became famous with their series of emotions. But now, the true story of "production" was known.

Rangers are from local Congolese villages and villages

Rangers are from local Congolese villages and villages

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Networks of the planet | We tell you what were the most shared stories on Facebook and what were the trends on Twitter and Instagram. "Src ="

Networks of the planet | We tell you what are the most shared stories on Facebook and what trends have been followed on Twitter and Instagram.

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The park is out to clarify that the photo is real. this explains the relationship between animals and men and answers questions that people have asked on social networks. Do gorillas pose for the photo? Why are they standing, can they be stopped on two legs?

"You may have seen the caregivers Mathieu and Patrick in their amazing selfie with the orphaned Ndakazi and Ndeze gorillas at the Senkwekwe Center in Virunga National Park, and we have received dozens of messages about the photo.Yes that's true! ", They explain in a Facebook publication.

All rangers follow an intensive training program.

All rangers follow an intensive training program.

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"These gorillas always act confidently so this picture perfectly represents their true personality," they add.

The park explains that it is not surprising that these gorillas are standing: "Most primates they can walk upright for short periods. "

The park was established in 1925 and is among the first protected areas in Africa.

The park was established in 1925 and is among the first protected areas in Africa.

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On one of the photos, we see the gorillas standing behind the men, while on another, entitled "family time", you see one of the rangers, Patrick Sadiki with the primates, Ndakasi and Matabishi hugging him. The series was titled "another day at the office".

Park rangers protect gorillas in the area.

Park rangers protect gorillas in the area.

According to the park's website, the place has been "deeply" impacted by war and armed conflict in the last two decadesThe work of the rangers is therefore crucial.

Virunga National Park It is a national park in the Albertine Rift Valley in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. It was created in 1925 and is among the first protected areas in Africa.

The publication has had thousands of repercussions on social networks.

The publication has had thousands of repercussions on social networks.

About 400 gorillas, scattered in a dozen male-led groups, move freely between the Rwanda Protected Area and the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Virunga National Park in Uganda.


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