The Trump delegation arrives in Mexico to meet AMLO


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A large delegation of United officials is on Friday in Mexico to serve as a bridge between President Donald Trump and the United States. newly elected Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who will badume the presidency in a tense bilateral relationship on issues of immigration and security.

"A pleasure to visit in Mexico on my first trip as Secretary of State, thanks to President Enrique Peña Nieto for hosting our delegation, and we look forward to meeting with President-elect López Obrador", wrote American Mike Pompeo on Twitter, with a photo that shows him off the official plane in the Mexico City Presidential Shed.

With him, Trump's counselor and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, arrived on an official plane; National Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin

In the first instance, officials arrived at the Los Pinos Presidential Residence for an in camera meeting with incumbent President Enrique Peña Nieto , who will give the power to López Obrador on December 1st.

At the age of 64, López Obrador overwhelmingly wins the July 1 election, promising an austere government that will put an end to corruption, stimulate the development of young people and

Mexico and the United States share a border more than 3,000 km, one of the busiest in the world, and penetrate the arms, drugs and illegal immigration that control violent cartels. [19659005] – Tense Relationships –

Relations between the United States and Mexico have been strained since Trump arrived at the White House after a campaign of charge and insults against Mexicans, attacks on 39 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in effect between the two countries and Canada since 1994, as well as the promise to build a border wall and charge Mexico.

The Mexican steel and aluminum and Trump's "zero tolerance" policy towards undocumented migrants, which resulted in the separation of thousands of children from their migrant parents, have only fueled the tumultuous relationship between neighbors.

history, the presidents have not made official visits.

On his trip, Kirstjen Nielsen will reaffirm the need for emigrants from Central America to "stay in or near their home country" and "stress the need to continue, aggressively, with efforts. spouses to fight dangerous international criminal organizations and drug traffickers, "said a statement from his office 9005] Trump and López Obrador spoke the following day of the Mexican electoral victory, in a phone call that both described as positive.

The leftist proposed to the tycoon "an integral agreement of development projects" that will reduce illegal migration and improve security.

"Not a migrant child more separated from his family!", reads in one of the banners worn by the few demonstrators who arrived at the "transition house" of López Obrador, where he will receive the American delegation at 18:20 GMT [19659005] Julia Klug, a 65-year-old activist against child abuse, demanded "the non-intervention and respect of our migrants in the United States."

– Unhealthy Security –

The "Transition House" ", A house located in the bohemian neighborhood of Roma Norte, in a narrow street surrounded by homes and small businesses, was surrounded since the morning by a modest security device. security with twenty policemen and metal fences, while a hundred journalists were waiting at the entrance, hoping to capture some details of the meeting that will not be open to the press

Allegating its A resounding austerity, López Obrador refused to use the spectacular Mexican Presidential Guard for his safety and that of his official guests

It is expected that future ministers of finance, economy and Public Security participate in it, along with NENA's proposed chief negotiator and Chancellor of the new administration, Marcelo Ebrard

Ebrard promoted the Latino vote in favor of Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, when she was Trump's opponent in the US presidential election.

The meeting of this Friday is with "a delegation of the highest level, which is a good sign, a good sign," said Tuesday the future Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs at the announcement of the meeting . 9005] At around 8:30 pm GMT, the US delegation plans to hold a press conference with Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray

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