The tsunami that came to stay


We suddenly wake up with the clear feeling that nothing will ever be the same again. Everyone feels obliged to redefine themselves around Lula and his speech. Some to reaffirm their renewed hope. Others to express their sympathy, even when expressing their differences. Others were forced to voice their opposition, in search of magic solutions that could desperately appear as alternatives. Lula was still there. But his uncertain legal situation led him to remain cautious, without expressing his political positions. Others claimed it was offside as they wouldn’t know how to behave in the face of the alternative. Both on the right and another contender for the outdoor sniper, they hoped the bench would resolve their dilemma, removing Lula from the game.

The point is, Lula’s reappearance, in style, full length, revisiting all the big issues of the country and our lives, has worked like a tsunami of good. Everyone is moved, no one can be immune. I searched my Facebook and Twitter for how people feel about his speech and there was no other: he gave an overwhelming majority of HOPE! We were almost getting used to living without hope. As if the country had been condemned to have no government, plagued by misery and the pandemic.

When, suddenly, Lula resurfaced, as naturally as ever, speaking to everyone’s mind and heart, so that people would see hope reborn, aware again that Brazil has a way and that without Lula, life would be different. With him, the Brazilians are once again called to a fight which again promises the return of hope. Lula addressed all the major issues plaguing the country: the pandemic, unemployment, democracy, violence, lack of dialogue, Petrobras, hope, among many others, remembering that it is “ able to face them and resolve them, as has already been done in the past. Brazil has lived much better, in peace, in solidarity, fighting against the biggest of its problems: inequalities.

The Brazilians woke up the next day and realized that something had changed in Brazil. That Lula, who has always been there, unfairly persecuted, imprisoned, condemned, prevented from winning the 2018 elections, is with everyone, living the same problems, thinking and proposing alternatives, ready to return to the streets, to the caravans . After his intervention, Lula called me by phone to exchange opinions and talk about the new caravans, like the previous ones we have made. No one else can give himself the right to pretend that Lula does not exist, that he does not represent all that he represents for Brazil.

It is not necessary for Lula to say if he is a candidate, there is no need for a formal procedure to launch his candidacy. The judiciary itself must complete the nullity of the proceedings related to Sergio Moro, but no one else thinks or admits that Lula could be tried again and sentenced. Lula is innocent: it is here to stay, it is the first sense of his reappearance in the same metallurgical union of São Bernardo, where he began his political life in 1979, where he said goodbye to us all, painfully Whether or not we agree with his attitude, we surrender to the federal police and we are taken to prison in Curitiba. Where we greet you every morning and every evening with good morning, comrade Lula, good night, comrade Lula, and we receive the signal to turn off and on the lights in your cell, to tell us that you have heard us. There, when I could, with all the emotion contained, I was able to visit him, see the cell, his bed, his cupboard, his lamp, his books, his clothes, but above all his courage, without good humor. , its hope. As Leonardo Boff said, it was he who gave us hope, who gave us the embrace he instilled in us and not us. When Lula called me yesterday, after his speech, the same feeling of hope came to me, to call for combat, to take back the caravans, until I could go up the ramp of the Palacio do Planalto, as one saw him do it on January 1, 2003.

This confidence from Lula has reached everyone again and is here to stay. You cannot imagine how our beloved Brazil will survive until January 1, 2023. But it is known that after a lot of struggle, Lula will be president of Brazil again, so that the Brazilians can be proud to be again. Brazilians, to have confidence that the country has a way and a future. Lula has come back to stay, forever!


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