The two activities that release the hormone of love and can bring couples together, according to science


When deciding what to make an appointment, some options always turn out to be the most popular. The first thing you think about is to have a coffee, eat or go to the movies. However, science comes to the rescue and offers you two activities that bring couples together.

Both cause the release of oxytocin, also called love hormone. How can you achieve this effect then? With the painting and board games. At least that's what Baylor University (USA) researchers say in the scientific journal Marriage and Family Journal.

To determine it 20 married or cohabiting couples participated. All responded to a survey on family life, in order to trigger the manufacture of the aforementioned hormone – what happens, according to previous work, thinking about our partner -.

After that, some were brought to play and others to paint for an hour. The results were significant: oxytocin levels increased after participation in these activities. "This hormone is badociated with romantic relationships because it's not released all day, it only occurs in response to a stimulus," said Karen Melton, one of the authors of the report. Article, to foreign media.

Of the two activities, the greatest success was painting, especially among men. The expert felt that this could be due to the novelty of the proposal, although the decisive factor probably has nothing to do with the brushes. Researchers have found that in art clbades, people encourage their partner through words and touch, and that men are more sensitive to physical contact.

Although scientists have not studied other appointment options, estimate that the results could be replicated with other activities which involve physical contact, social interaction, novelty and support of the loved one.


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