The tycoon of Salma Hayek's wife will pour 100 million euros to restore Notre Dame de Paris


April 16, 2019
– 08.04

The businessman and philanthropist François-Henri Pinault has issued a press release in which he says that with his father, they will undertake the reconstruction of the cathedral.

The Cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris suffered a terrible fire on Monday which left terrible scars on his structure and shocked the global public opinion, which was mobilized to find a way to rebuild this precious international monument.

In this regard, the French businessman François-Henri Pinault, known around the world for being the husband of Salma Hayek, decided to get his hands dirty (or in this case to his fortune valued at $ 30,500 million) and issued a press release informing him that he would make a large donation.


"My father (by François Pinault) and I decided to unlock a sum of 100 million euros participate in the complete reconstruction of Our Lady", Indicates the document.

"This tragedy struck All the french people and to all those who are related to spiritual values. Faced with a tragedy like this, everyone wants to give life to this jewel of our heritage, "said the CEO of the Kering Empire.

His wife, the Mexican actress Salma Hayek, was also shocked by the terrible fire. "Like many others, I am deeply surprised and sad to see the beauty of Notre Dame become smoky, I love Paris," he wrote in his networks in English and French.


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