The UBA, among the best universities in the world


occasionally, in modern languages ​​was ranked 16th and reached for the first time the "top 20" in a thematic area, in art and design at 35 and in Right in 50 at the World level. Then come careers in the fields of agriculture, anatomy and physiology, anthropology, architecture and urban planning, geography, of history and sociology.

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It has been surpbaded only by two other universities in Latin America: the Autonomous University of Mexico, with 26 disciplines, and the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with 17 diplomas.


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"It's a message for the entire Argentine ruling clbad. The university and the scientific system need ever greater investments to maintain their level of excellence and, in particular, the UBA requires it to continue to create leverage over the rest of the higher education system in Argentina, "said the rector of the UBA, Alberto Barbieri.

The other Argentine public universities that have managed to insert part of their career in the ranking are the following: Cordoba National, La Plata National, Littoral, Mar del Plata and Rosario and among private universities, Torcuato Di Tella, Austral and San Andrés.

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The list reflects a profound disparity in the Argentine university system. The UBA monopolize more than half of the local breeds that appear ranked, "making the system one of the most unbalanced in the region," according to the report.

Harvard University once again leads the rankings, being the world's number one in 12 regions. They were followed by the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with 11 leading careers and Oxford University with six others.

The measurement is done through surveys and takes into account the reputation of the career, the research done and the influence of the average graduate.


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