The UK has changed its red list and opens borders to Argentines: what conditions must be met to travel


All of the countries that remain on the redlist for COVID-19 admissions in the UK are US (Photo: REUTERS / Guy Faulconbridge)
All of the countries that remain on the redlist for COVID-19 admissions in the UK are US (Photo: REUTERS / Guy Faulconbridge)

Argentina, with 46 other countries, has been removed from the ‘red list’ that the UK imposed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infections, although it maintains a series of requirements that make it difficult for citizens of our country to enter British soil, depending on which vaccines accept this country as valid.

British government removal of strict hotel quarantine requirements, insofar as will take effect from the next Monday October 11. The measure which includes Argentina was approved by the ministers of the government of the United Kingdom who ordered the opening of its borders, due to the improvement of the health situation of the country. In this way, the Red List was reduced from 54 countries to just seven. These are Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Venezuela.

With this measure, those arriving from countries excluded from the red list, such as Argentina, will be able to travel to Britain without having to undergo an 11-night hotel quarantine at a cost of over £ 2,000. Now they can completely avoid isolation, depending on your vaccination status.

The limitation for many Argentines will be based from Monday on receipt of the vaccine. The UK government accepts only four inoculants as valid: Pfizer, AstraZeneca (including Indian-made Covidshield), Moderna and Janssen. Those who have completed vaccination with one of these will be able to avoid isolation.

Passengers from countries not on the red list must remain isolated for at least five days, but they can use the system
Passengers from countries that are not on the red list must remain isolated for at least five days, but they can use the “test to release” system (Eduardo Parra – Europa Press)

Travelers from the EU, US and 18 other countries now have their vaccine status recognized and can avoid isolation, provided they test negative within two days of arrival.

All others arriving from countries that not on the red list must remain in segregation for at least five days, but may use the “Test to release.” The so-called “tests for release” are the PCR studies that authorities accept from travelers to show that they are not infected with COVID-19, which allows them to avoid meeting any expected quarantine days. These tests must be paid for by the passengers. Upon arrival, all persons must complete a passenger locator form.

A UK government source told the BBC that the government is still aiming to replace the ‘on-arrival PCR test’ which takes place on the second day and allow a cheaper ‘side-flow’ test, although it does. have no firm resolution yet. . Under current rules, travelers must use more expensive PCR tests to be performed on the second day of arrival. People who are not fully vaccinated should provide an additional PCR test on the eighth day.

In this way, 47 countries that had so far applied the maximum travel restrictions to avoid COVID-19 infections will withdraw from this category as of Monday, including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Only UK citizens and people with UK residence permits can enter the country from a redlisted destination, and they are also required to self-quarantine for ten days in a hotel designated by the government upon arrival.

The UK has removed the green and amber categories from its traffic light this month (REUTERS / Ahmed Jadallah)
The UK has removed the green and amber categories from its traffic light this month (REUTERS / Ahmed Jadallah)

The UK has removed the green and amber categories from its traffic light this month, so travelers from any other destination should undergo a single coronavirus test upon arrival in the UK if vaccinated.

The British Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, announced for its part that this essay from now on, it can be an antigen test, instead of the more expensive PCR.

For those not vaccinated, it is still mandatory to take a negative test three days before travel and undergo two more tests once in UK territory, on the second and eighth day after arrival, in addition to serving around 40 ten days in a chosen place. by the traveler.

“The measures announced today mark the next step in opening up to travel. They provide stability for passengers and industry, ”UK Transport Minister Grant Shapps said in a Twitter message.

The government He also argued that he would recognize as valid vaccination certificates from 37 new territories, including Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey.


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