The Ukraine has chosen the comedian | Vladimir Zelenski has …


The comedian and newcomer to politics, Vladimir Zelenski, beat outgoing President Petro Poroshenko more than two-thirds of the vote yesterday in the second round of the presidential election. "I will never let you down," Zelenski promised from his campaign command, where he quickly appeared to thank his constituency.

In the 53-year-old Ukrainian capital Poroshenko, he admitted defeat at the headquarters of his campaign. Before hundreds of supporters, the outgoing leader said the results were clear and added that he would leave office but would not give up politics.

The actor and comedian managed to impose himself as a candidate with only four months of campaign mainly through social networks. Zelenski arrived with a repudiation speech in front of the ruling elites and the promise to "break the system", but did not shy away from the pro-Western course. In priority number one, Zelenski promised the cessation of fighting and hence the end of the war between the Ukrainian army and the pro-Russian militias of the east of the country. "We need to stop shooting so our children stop dying," said the actor. As a result, yesterday, at its first conference after the results, promised to reactivate the Minsk process, in reference to the peace accords signed in the Belarussian capital in February 2015 to try to end the conflict in the east. from Ukraine. Although he described Russian President Vladimir Putin as an enemy, during his campaign, the actor was willing to dialogue with him to achieve peace in the east of the country. Ukraine.

One of its main objectives was the return of all prisoners of war detained by the self-proclaimed People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as the release of the 24 sailors imprisoned by Russia last November during the incident of the sea Black.

Facing the overwhelming defeat, Mr Poroshenko announced that he would leave his post as head of state next month. "Never give up, listen, and now, when I see the results of the polls at the exit of polling stations (more than 70% support for Zelenski), they are obvious.And this is a reason to call my opponent and congratulate him, "said Poroshenko at the headquarters of his election campaign accompanied by his team and his wife. "As one of the leading political leaders of Ukraine, I will continue to serve my country and defend the integration within the European Union (EU) and the European Union. NATO, the decentralization, security and anti-corruption reforms, "said the outgoing president. In addition, he badured that Zelenski would have a powerful opponent, but nuanced his statement, saying that he was ready to "spend time with the new president and explain every detail". He also stated that he and his team were willing to support Zelenski in all decisions that correspond to the national interests of Ukraine and to get closer to the EU and NATO.

On the eve of the election, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo telephoned both candidates to tell them that Washington would work with the winner of the second round of elections. The United States and the European Union are both close allies of Ukraine and have imposed sanctions on Russia for the annexation in 2014 of the Ukrainian Crimean Peninsula and its actions in favor pro-Russian separatists in the east of the country. Russia, meanwhile, knowing the preliminary result of the elections, interpreted that it was a sample of the desire for change Ukrainians. "Polls show that Ukrainian citizens voted for change, now the new authorities in the country need to understand and fulfill the hopes of their voters," Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigori Karasin told reporters. official agency RIA Novosti.


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