The UN has warned that in Ethiopia there are 2 million people on the brink of famine


An Ethiopian woman with her son from the Tigray region waits for help in the Um Rakuba refugee camp in Sudan (Photo: EFE / Ala Kheir)
An Ethiopian woman with her son from the Tigray region waits for help in the Um Rakuba refugee camp in Sudan (Photo: EFE / Ala Kheir)

The UN on Friday warned against the deterioration “spectacular“From the humanitarian situation in the Ethiopian region of Tigray, where, according to the organization, there is 400,000 people in a situation of famine and 1.8 million on the verge of famine.

Ramesh Rajasingham, acting UN humanitarian chief, warned the Security Council that The lives of many of these people will depend on whether or not they can provide immediate humanitarian assistance.

“We have to reach them now. Not next week. Now”underlined Rajasingham, who insisted on the importance for humanitarian organizations to have safe and unhindered access to the area, after the recent attacks suffered and the obstacles of the parties to the conflict.

In recent days, the UN has denounced major problems in reaching people in need of help in Tigray, despite the fact that on Monday the Ethiopian government announced a ceasefire unilateral which put an end to eight months of military offensive.

Today, the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) has taken over the food delivery in the area, but he said he still had access problems.

Humanitarian sources who prefer to remain anonymous confirmed this Thursday to the EFE agency that, Despite the cessation of hostilities declared by Addis Ababa, the blockade of the region is worsening, increasing pressure on the civilian population.

In the picture, a session of the UN Security Council (Photo: EFE / Jason Szenes)
In the picture, a session of the UN Security Council (Photo: EFE / Jason Szenes)

Rajasingham assured the Council that in recent weeks the situation of the population has continued to deteriorate, with a a significant increase food insecurity compared to what was already the “worst famine situation in decades”, whose figures are according to some sources worse than those presented by the UN.

He said, there are approximately 33,000 severely malnourished children and the crisis will continue to worsen with the imminent arrival of the rainy season, which also creates risk of epidemics.

In total, he assured, around 5.2 million people are in need of food assistance, it is therefore vital to be able to supply more to Tigray.

“What we need above all is that all armed and security actors offer guarantees of safe access by road to aid workers and goods to and from Tigray, as well as to the most remote parts of the region, ”the UN official said.

As stated, at this time there are five unicef ​​trucks blocked and this week, a WFP convoy was prevented from entering the region.

Must also air access, according to Rajasingham, who announced that the Ethiopian government authorized a humanitarian flight for this Saturday to Mekele, the regional capital, although he urged ensure that these permits are not sporadic.

The Tigray crisis It all started when the federal government launched an offensive against the Popular Front for the Liberation of Tigray (FPLT), party in power in the region until then, after an escalation of tensions and in retaliation for a previous attack by Tiger forces on a federal army base.

The conflict has so far ceased thousands dead, around 2 million internally displaced people and at least 75,000 Ethiopians have fled to neighboring Sudan, according to official data.

Dozens of Ethiopians in the Tigray region receive aid in Um Rakuba refugee camp (Photo: EFE / EPA / ALA KHEIR)
Dozens of Ethiopians in the Tigray region receive aid in Um Rakuba refugee camp (Photo: EFE / EPA / ALA KHEIR)

On the political front, the UN stressed today that Ethiopia is at a critical juncture and urged the FPLT to join the government ceasefire At once.

A ceasefire observed by all parties would not only facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid, but would also be the starting point for the political efforts necessary to find a solution to this crisis. The conflict in Tigray is the result of deep political grievances that can only be resolved through dialogue and a credible political process, ”said the organization’s chief political officer, Rosemary DiCarlo.

Today’s meeting is the Security Council’s first open meeting on the crisis, given that some of its members they see the conflict as internal to Ethiopia and do not want the UN to interfere.

(With information from EFE)


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