The UN warned that only 10 out of 193 countries are ruled by women


The UN warned that only 10 out of 193 countries are ruled by women

He added that it would take 107 years to bridge the gap between men and women in positions of power.

According to the UN, only 10 out of 193 countries have a woman head of government, warned that it would take 107 years to bridge this gender gap in power.

What's happening in Argentina?

According to the report published by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, our country ranks fifth, nearly 3% of women occupying lower or upper houses of Congress.

Even throughout the writing, the proposed parity projects in the country stand out.

"In December 2017, Argentina became the eighth country in the region to legislate gender parity in political representation after a surprise vote on a parliamentary draft law on parity," the report said.

Almost without presidents

"In the area of ​​political participation, the numbers speak for themselves: 90% of heads of state and government are men, as are 76% of parliamentarians," said Maria, president of the General Assembly. Fernanda Espinosa, at the session of the Commission on the Status of Women held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

According to Espinosa, the vast majority of countries in all regions of the world have never been ruled by a woman.

"In practice, policies often face big obstacles: resistance in their own parties to the discriminatory treatment of certain media," he added.

Espinosa pointed out that when women express or hold positions of high responsibility, society is "twice as demanding".

"Women must demonstrate at every stage that they are capable, capable, competent," said the former Ecuadorian Foreign Minister.

"There is evidence that greater representation of women in parliaments ensures the progress of discriminatory law reforms and increased investment in key areas such as health, education and social protection", did he declare.

Last week, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) presented an badysis showing that the global proportion of women in parliaments (24.3%) had increased by one point compared to 2017.

Another IPU map released jointly with UN Women on Tuesday revealed that one in five ministers is a woman in Latin America.

What is happening in Córdoba

It has also been shown that the proportion of women ministers in the world was 20.7%, the highest figure in history.

"Despite a positive trend, the vast majority of governments are made up of men. Men and women have a responsibility to change this, as well as to ensure gender equality at all political levels, "said IPU President Gabriela Cuevas Barrón.

In Córdoba, the 12 ministers are men and, of the four state secretariats, three are women; at Unicameral, 38.6% are legislators despite the fact that the law on parity on the lists is applied. Meanwhile, in the municipality of Córdoba, there are only three women in 22 management positions. In a democracy, there was never a steward in the city and there was only one vice-governor.


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