The UN warns of little progress in the fight against AIDS – International



"The global response to AIDS is in a particularly worrying situation," warned the UNAIDS Executive Director

. The United Nations (UN) estimates that the goals of the fight against AIDS are threatened According to UNAIDS Director, Michel Sidibé, the number of new cases of HIV infection in 50 countries of the world is estimated: "We give the green light," he said, ensuring that entire regions were facing setbacks. The results of new infections in children are not sustainable, the means are more limited compared to what had been promised by many politicians and large population groups were ignored, said Sidibé in a statement [19659006]. is in a particularly worrying situation, "says Sidibé, adding in his statement that" the successes – albeit remarkable – albeit limited – in terms of lives saved and the repression of new infections, are dangerously opening the door. " way to a "And" this is not the moment to lower the guard, complacency threatens to thwart our achievements.

Since 2010, the number of new infections has decreased by 18% to reach 1.8 million However, this decline has not been fast enough to reach the goal of less than 500,000 new people Infected until 2020.

The 21 billion dollars available in 2017 for action against AIDS and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) will not be sufficient according to Sidibé, who insists on the fact that more means will be needed to reach the 2020 targets.

36.9 million people worldwide were infected with HIV, most of them in Africa, El País reported. 21.7 million patients received antiretroviral therapy, more than ever before.

The report of UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS), presented a few days before the International Conference on HIV / AIDS AIDS in Amsterdam from July 23, notes that progress are most notable in the countries of eastern and southern Africa most affected by the disease.

In 2017, 36.9 million people in the world were infected with HIV, most of them in Africa. 21.7 million patients received antiretroviral therapy. However, in Eastern Europe and in parts of Asia, the number of newly infected people has doubled.

In the Middle East, as in North Africa, more and more people are contracting the AIDS virus. Women are the most affected. And every week, 6,600 young women ages 15 to 24 are infected with HIV because of badual badault.

In 2017, about 940,000 people died of HIV, according to the Financial Times. Since the beginning of the global epidemic in the mid-1980s, 77.3 million people have been infected and 35.4 million of them have died. According to the UN, in 2020, 90% of people affected by HIV will be informed of their infection, of which 90% will be in treatment.

Moreover, in 90% of them, the virus will no longer check the blood for the suppression of the spread of the virus.

Information Source: Profile

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