The underwater search of the plane in which Emiliano Sala was traveling began – 03/02/2019


Underwater research of the plane that was carrying the Argentine footballer Emiliano Sala, disappeared two weeks ago on the English channel. started this Sunday jointly with the British authorities and the rescue team engaged by the player's family.

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Early in the day, they left the port of Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands under British jurisdiction, the ship commissioned by David Mearns, who heads the private sweep, and the ship Geo Ocean III, which contributed to the United Kingdom After accepting the official request of the Argentine government to resume research.

Research tasks jointly but the UK government announced that Geo Ocean researchers would work for three days.

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The study area has its center at the point where the contact of the plane piloted by David Ibbotson was lost Monday, January 21 when he was traveling from Nantes (France) to Cardiff (Wales).

Searches for the first three days were conducted by the British Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB), but were later discontinued.

The family raised more than 300,000 euros in a public collection to which several players joined and opened a private investigation.

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At the request of the Sala family, the Argentine government officially asked the British authorities to resume public research and the answer was affirmative.

After exhausting air and ground search, it was decided to launch marine exploration to find the plane lost.

Until the moment only seat cushions were found, appeared on a beach near Surtainville, in the French peninsula of Cotentin, last Monday, a week after the disappearance of the plane.

Source: agencies


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