The unexpected comparison that unleashes in the Amazon with the tragedy of Notre Dame


The fires in the Amazon were compared to the fire of the French cathedral and aroused indignation Source: Archive – Credit: @francismmaxwell

A study conducted by Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) revealed yesterday the increase in
forest fires in the
Amazonwhile Bolsonaro
He accused the NGOs of having unleashed the intentional fire. The shocking images of the burning forest aroused the anger and anger of the users who quickly compared this phenomenon to the
fire of the cathedral
Our Lady.

Forest fires in the Amazon reached a record 72, 743 in Brazil this year, and environmental policy concerns of the current right-wing president are growing
Jair Bolsonaro.

The concern for new numbers has become a trend of Twitter, with the hashtag

"When Our Lady burned, the world stopped, billionaires and politicians emptied their pockets to help rebuild," shares Francis Maxwell on Twitter with a picture of both the fires and the phrase: "The difference is that we can not build new land."

When Our Lady was burning, the world had stopped. Billionaires and politicians have emptied their pockets to help rebuild. Meanwhile, the Amazon has been burning for three weeks. The difference is that we can not build a new land. When it is gone, it is gone.
#PrayforAmazonas – Francis Maxwell (@francismmaxwell)
August 21, 2019

On Twitter and on social networks, users recounted the disaster at the fire of the French cathedral and criticized the reaction of the company which, in front of the fire of the historical monument, spread the news and collected more funds than needed for reconstruction. "A simple image that screams a thousand words," says another user next to an illustration.

Help Notre Dame

It is estimated that donations ranging from $ 835 million to $ 1 billion have been committed and the cost is expected to be between $ 330 million and $ 670 million, plus taxes.

However, this is not the first criticism of the money raised: a few months ago, the amount of this money aroused outrage and many criticized the lack of donations for humanitarian and environmental crises.

There were even causes for which the necessary and sufficient funds had never been collected, such as those of Iraqi Christians or for what the United States described as "the worst famine in the world for 100 years" in the world. Yemen.

Bolsonaro blames NGOs

"I'm not saying that there may be criminal actions by these NGO members to draw attention to me," he said. . And he explained what would have been the reaction of the environmentalists. "The fire was lit, it seems, in strategic places, you could not film all the places where there are fires and send them to the rest of the world. They went there to film and set fire, that's what I feel, "said the president, without testifying.

The Brazilian Minister of the Environment, Ricardo Salles, once again defended the government's policies in the fight against deforestation in the Amazon, but he ended up facing critics and boos from dozens of people during of the American Climate Week. Latin

Com or Gov
@ MauroMendes40, em vestoria on queimadas no MT, with support teams and resources. The dry season and the more frequent contribution of vacant urban lands to Cuiabá where a non-leaching phoenix is ​​found in the cairns. – Ricardo MMA Halls (@rsallesmma)
August 22, 2019

The official said the fires have increased due to weather conditions and shared a video in which the forests are on fire.



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