The unexpected gesture of a teenager to help his mother – – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


A 13-year-old boy surprised his mother. She sold her video game console and bought her a car to help her without much walking.

William Preston is a teenager living in the United States. The young man often works in the yard to earn extra money and help his mother, Krystal.

The woman has three children, is single and represents the only economic income of the household. In turn, he had no car and had to move everywhere.

Given that, William undertook to surprise his mother to help her improve her current situation.

This is how the young man saw an advertisement surfing the Internet where he proposed a 1999 Chevrolet Metro model at a very economical price. Preston did not hesitate to contact the vehicle owner and offered him his Xbox in exchange for the vehicle.

The owner first rejected the offer. However, soon after, he thought about it and accepted it.

When William arrived home, he told his mother what had happened. To everyone's surprise, Krystal did not believe it at first. But shortly thereafter, he saw the owner of the car at the door, waiting for them both to test the vehicle.

The story was told by the teenage's own mother via her Facebook account. "What a 13-year-old boy, you know he's buying a car from his mother, I do not know anyone, I've never heard of anyone," Krystal said.

"I can not even express it, as there were no words to express my gratitude and my pride"badured the mother in her social networks.

Mom's message on Facebook

I do not have words that can express what I'm feeling right now. I'm in shock … The last two weeks have been literally filled with tears, anger, confusion and heart pain. Today, I received the surprise of my life …

Some of you know my son William, who is a mowing machine, cleaning the garden and making money. Well, my son had a job today that he had to do, so I allowed him to do it like any other time. Well, this time it was different. Very different.

William went home and said, "Mom, I bought you a car." Of course, I laugh and say, "Yes … of course!" He said, "No, mom, I'm serious, I bought a car, come on, we have to go."

I am confused and skeptical at this point and I said "let's go?" He said "with this lady".

And to my surprise, I go out into my garden and Oh my God, there is a woman standing there and, as William said, she was going to take a ride. William gets in the car so I say "ok ?? it's kind of a joke." Nobody really speaks, so … I still think it's a joke. We stopped in a house and William said, "Mom, that's your car."

I was really shocked. I started rolling my eyes … I do not speak, my 13 year old son bought a car. He did a job for this woman and it was his salary. And here I thought it was a joke … No, they gave me the keys and papers of the car and I go crazy, but in shock, like my God, this is happening currently. So we got in the car and left.

I am very proud of my son. It's such a good boy. I may have his days, but my God, what a 13 year old boy you know he's buying a car for his mother … William, I love you son and I thank you. You have such a big heart and I love you …


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