The unionist who was shooting is a friend of the …


"The sector behind all this is the -Alberto-Fantini, which is a PRO-related sector," said Reuben "Pollo" Sobrero, leader of the union, after the confrontation of meat workers in front of the Eco-meat refrigerator and left a record of two people injured by bullets.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and other officials have tried to link what happened to Kirchnerism: "They show the sons, they do not make mistakes, that's what they do." Two factions of them Yesterday, we came to patrol these neo-Kirchner and saw another union leader threaten one of the most powerful entrepreneurs in Argentina, "said the head of the Porteño government.

For his part, the Minister of Production and Labor, Dante Sica, also criticized the same sector: "The unions where we have problems are those who have been publicly imprisoned in Kirchnerism," he said.

However, as Sobrero said, the perpetrators acted under the direction of Fantini, close badociate of Macri and enrolled in the 62 organizations headed by Gerónimo "Momo" Venegas. Fantini even showed a very close connection with former Labor Minister, Jorge Triaca, with whom he shared photos and discussion sessions on the impact of technology on the world of work.

In addition, he was one of the twelve trade union leaders who, in February 2018, traveled to Europe with former Minister Triaca to "know the patterns of social dialogue". The one traveled by Spain, Holland and Germany. The tour officially cost the government 3.4 million pesos and happened coincidentally a week after the mbadive act of opposition trade unionism on 9 de Julio Avenue.

Fantini, general secretary of the Meat Federation, is accused of patotearlos by the Eco-meat workers, formerly known as Cocarsa, to get the 2% that would indicate the affiliation of the 300 employees of the refrigerator.

On the day of the shooting, Fantini's supporters arrived in three buses at the entrance to the first shift and began attacking the workers with stones and bullets, leaving two injured in the intensive care unit.

So far, no details have been provided on his statements either on Horacio Rodríguez Larreta or on Minister Sica. "They show the hilacha", could be paraphrased to the head of the government of Buenos Aires.


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