The United States and Argentina condemn the detention of opposition candidates in Nicaragua


Joe Biden’s Secretary of State, Anthony J. Blinken, had a phone conversation with Alberto Fernández’s Chancellor Felipe Solá, during which they agreed on the importance of making bilateral, regional and international efforts. to promote democracy and human rights in Nicaragua, where the Daniel Ortega regime has detained the main opposition candidates.

Blinken underscored US concern “over the arbitrary arrests of presidential candidates and attacks on the independent press and civil society by President Ortega,” as reported in a brief press release from the United States Embassy in Argentina.

The Biden official stressed the will to continue to “consolidate the history of cooperation” between the United States and Argentina in the promotion of human rights and democracy, diplomatic sources said.

The statement from the U.S. Embassy in Argentina.

The statement from the U.S. Embassy in Argentina.

On June 2, Nicaraguan police arrested journalist Cristiana Chamorro, the main leader of the opposition to Daniel Ortega’s regime. It was after a judge upheld a complaint from the Nicaraguan government ministry for abusive management crimes and ideological lies, both in royal competition with money, property and asset laundering. They accuse him of having irregularly administered the NGO Fundación Violeta Barrios de Chamorro.

“The arbitrary ban on opposition leader Cristiana Chamorro reflects the Ortega’s fear of free and fair elections. Nicaraguans deserve a true democracy, ”declared on Twitter the head of the American diplomacy, Antony Blinken, who spoke today with the Argentinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Felipe Solá.

Cristiana, 67, daughter of former President Violeta Chamorro, is under house arrest, incommunicado and police watched at the gate. “They took her phone and laptop, as well as those of her daughter (Cristiana María Lacayo) who is with her at home, and they shut down the Internet. We don’t know anything about them, ” said Arelia Barba, a member of her press team.

Nicaraguan presidential candidate and journalist Cristiana Chamorro Barrios was arrested on June 2 following a complaint from the government of Daniel Ortega.

Nicaraguan presidential candidate and journalist Cristiana Chamorro Barrios was arrested on June 2 following a complaint from the government of Daniel Ortega.

Professor Arturo Cruz, who was the Ortega government's ambassador to the United States between 2007 and 2009, has been detained by the regime.  from Nicaragua.  EFE Photo

Professor Arturo Cruz, who was the Ortega government’s ambassador to the United States between 2007 and 2009, has been detained by the regime. from Nicaragua. EFE Photo

In addition, they disqualified her from standing for election, thus paving the way for another re-election, wiping out her main opponent.

The Sandinista leader ruled Nicaragua between 1979 and 1990 after the triumph of the Sandinista revolution, first as part of a junta, then alone, until he was defeated in the election by Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, Cristiana’s mother. He has currently held the presidency since 2007.

But that was not all. Three days after Chamorro’s arrest, another opposition leader, also a presidential candidate, was arrested. Arturo Cruz was captured upon his arrival in the country. Upon his arrival at Augusto C. Sandino International Airport, after touring the United States, he found himself behind bars.

Nicolás Maduro is one of the regional allies of the Daniel Ortega regime in Nicaragua.

Nicolás Maduro is one of the regional allies of the Daniel Ortega regime in Nicaragua.

Cruz, candidate for the presidency of the Citizen Alliance opposition, “is the subject of an investigation by the national police for having strong indications that he has attacked Nicaraguan society and the rights of the people”, according to the public prosecutor from this country in a press release.

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