The United States and Mexico begin negotiations for an exit from the conflict through tariffs


Today, a meeting is scheduled between Mexican Secretary of the Economy Graciela Márquez and US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.

In two days, still in Washington, this corresponds to the delegations of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his Mexican colleague Marcelo Ebrard.

Trump's conflict with Mexico added additional tension in the international economic scenario, in the midst of the US-China trade war.

Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard warned against the "counter-productive" effect of tariffs that the United States plans to impose on Mexico, excluding that they reduce migration flows to the north, as US President Donald Trump wants.

"Rates could lead to financial and economic instability, which means that Mexico could reduce its ability to manage migratory flows," Ebrard said at a press conference in Washington, at the beginning of a news conference. series of contacts with the Trump government to counter the threat. rate

Trump announced Thursday that the United States would apply, starting June 10, rates of 5% to all goods from Mexico, a rate that would increase by 25% from October 1, to force it to stop the flow growing undocumented immigrants arriving in Mexico. the southern border of the United States, mainly Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

Ebrard said the government proposal of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is to work with the United States to "accelerate economic development" of these three countries and thereby reduce the "forced migration" caused by poverty and violence in this region.

"Mexico thinks that only this will solve the root causes of migration and provide a comprehensive response," he said after warning of the negative impact of canceling aid programs to the countries of Central America, as Trump had done in late March.

The Foreign Minister stressed that Mexico was willing to engage with its northern neighbor, with whom he had a "deep friendship and a history".

"We want our governments to remain friends and partners," he said, confident that both countries could find a "common vision" and avoid "costly and unnecessary confrontations".

Ebrard plans to meet on Wednesday the head of American diplomacy, Mike Pompeo. He also said he expected a meeting with Kevin McAleenan, acting secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), responsible for immigration policy.


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