The United States and Russia have threatened Venezuela


The new protests in Venezuela against the Nicolás Maduro regime again raised tensions between the United States and Russia, after the foreign ministers of the two countries exchanged warnings about the situation of the country of America. Latin.

On Wednesday, a telephone conversation took place between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. During the appeal, the two officials made cross-accusations about their respective roles in the Venezuelan crisis.

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Pompeo "stressed that the intervention of Russia and Cuba destabilized Venezuela and the bilateral relations between the United States and Russia," said a spokesman for the US State Department, Morgan Ortagus . In addition, the head of the US diplomacy urged Russia to stop supporting Maduro and join the rest of the countries "seeking a better future for the Venezuelan people".

From the Russian government, they badured that Lavrov had warned his US counterpart to stop the continuation of "aggressive measures" in Venezuela.

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In a statement by the Foreign Ministry of the Eurasian country, it was reported that Pompeo was warned that "aggressive measures will have the most serious consequences" and that "only the Venezuelan people have the right to determine their fate, for which a The political forces of the country, which the Venezuelan government has been asking for for a long time, are necessary for dialogue among all.

The head of Russian diplomacy also denounced that "the interference of the United States in the internal affairs of a sovereign country and the threats to its leaders constitute a flagrant violation of international law".

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The two countries have also gone through the decision of President Vladimir Putin to provide Russian pbadports to Ukrainian citizens refugees in the country, despite the energetic opposition of Ukraine and the European Union.

Source: Clarin



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