The United States and Russia launch heavy ammunition for Venezuela at the UN


"Venezuela is not a threat to peace and security, and in some cases, what poses a threat to peace (…) is Washington's attempt to orchestrate a coup d'etat. 39; State "said the Russian ambbadador Vbadily Nebenzia at a special session of the United Nations Security Council on Venezuela.

But the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, pointed out at the UN headquarters that Maduro is leading "an illegitimate mafia state" andthat many Venezuelans are starving " due to "A socialist experiment that caused a collapse of the economy".

"The time has now come for each nation to choose their side, no more delays, no more matches, or you are with the forces of liberty, or you are in the league of Maduro and its chaos"said Pompeo.

"The time has come to support the Venezuelan people, to recognize the new government headed by Acting President (Juan) Guaidó and put an end to this nightmare." There is no excuse "he insisted.

Pompeo also warned Maduro that he was to protect American diplomats in Venezuela several hours before the deadline for their departure from the country.

"Allow me to be 100% clear: President (Donald) Trump and hope that our diplomats will continue to receive protections under the Vienna Convention."said Pompeo. "Do not put the United States to the test in their resolve to protect our people."

A draft US Security Council statement on Venezuela calling for "full support" the National Assembly led by opposition Guaidó was blocked by Russia and China.

The United States declared Maduro three days ago "illegitimate" and recognized Guaidó as interim president.


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